#346074 - 06/25/12 11:30 AM
The setup continues to grow and change ...
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Here's my deal - I ran into the pa3x so headstrong that it made me a little dizzy at first. Now, I've had it out a few times, put it through it's paces and I'm "almost" in total lust with it. I've said before, it's the sexiest kb I've ever seen - the entire rig fits in the trunk of my mid sized Ford Fusion, and it's as small as possible without compromising any of the "go to" things I rely on.
I'll describe my quirks to you: 1 - I NEED a good solid, vocal harmonizer, and the TC is working out great in spite of a small tweak I'm trying to make to a slight doubling effect I'm hearing. Could very well be just the PA-AS doing it. 2 - I need good, solid manual bass - covered 3 - I need the best EPs and Whurlies available - Covered 4 - 61 keys - small footprint - no wasted space 5 - MP3 / SMF playback internally - this is where it shines. 6 - Styles - alive and stunning - a Korg tradition 7 - for larger parties and wider age brackets, I need my ipad to interface somehow for more DJ trax as needed - the new iRig MIX is great for this!
So, here's my newest setup - in detail: PA3x - PA/AS - iRig MIX - Bose Compact - iPad2 - EV N/d767a (wireless mic/guitar input in bag)
The cords, adapters and any hookups required are all premeasured, and reside in a computer bag that sits under the k/b inbetween the X of the stand. I set up the stand, put the bag in the "V" section, pull out the wires, sit the 3x on top, snap in the PA/AS, set up a mic and the Bose and I'm ready.
The newest best surprise has been the iRig MIX - it's a three channel DJ style mixer with a twist - it can send a signal from a mic or instrument into the iOS device (iPad) and back into the mixer for EQ and volume change. (Sweet) WHY do we need this? I'll tell you:
Ch 1 is connected to my wireless mic transmitter. For toasts or speakers, this is all I need. For my guitar work or a legit guest singer, I push ONE little button and the signal goes into the iPAd app for effects first, then is fed back to the mixer. AMAZING
Ch 2 is the output of the 3x
they are sent out of the main outs to the Bose, or whatever else I choose to use that day.
Very, very cool. I did 2 weddings this weekend, now 4 days at the shore, so by next week, I'll know every little thing there is to know about this rig. (fingers crossed) I tried to attach 2 videos, but they would not load in. I'll tray again sometime after I read up on the formats used here.

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