Originally posted by Brian3331:
Where is it Tony?
Originally posted by Tony Hughes:
Originally posted by drumremix:
[b]Sound Upgrade AUDYA
- 430 nouveaux presets. Sur les familles d'orgue, accord�on, guitare, cuivres, Pad, Synth sont disponibles pages de plus par rapport � la version pr�c�dente.
Real voix: les sons indiqu�es par le signe (R) sont des "vraies voix", c'est-�chantillons originaux 1 coup, sans boucle.
Les sons indiqu�es par le signe (C) utilise le Pitch Bend sp�ciales fonctionnalit� appel�e "Country Pedal Steel" (programmable dans Program).
La plupart des sons d'orgue sont fix�s avec Rotor Slow-effet rapide, activ� FBY la P�dale Sustain.
Un grand nombre de voix ont l'aftertouch pr�s�lectionn�e, cette option mai en �tre d�connect�s clavier Control> Aftertouch> Arri�re & Port Autoswitch On-Off.
- Preset Edit: nouvelle possibilit� pour modifier les pr�r�glages et les enregistrer sur les programmes (sans �craser les sons originaux presets)
S�lectionnez avec F1-10, le pr�r�glage et gardez appuy� pendant 1 sec. Ensuite, �ditez le bruit, donner un nom, s�lectionnez le programme de destination et appuyez sur SAVE. .
- 320 nouveaux programmes: compl�tement diff�rents de Presets, � Split, Bass & Righ, Left & Right, Morphing combinantions.
- 453 nouveaux GM Voices
- Nouveaux effets DSP: De nouveaux algorithmes de r�verb�ration, Distorsor, Echo, Rotor.
- Nouveau Drawbars num�rique:. Possibilit� d'inclure dans les programmes aussi les 20 nouveaux pr�r�glages personnalis�s appel� Jazz, pop, tubes, Th��tre, Rock.
- Style Lock Balance: est obtenu par pressage simultaneuosly les 2 curseurs horizontaux (un ast�risque appara�t � c�t� de la fonction Style �quilibre dans Style Mode> Mode 2 / 2. La fonction permet de fixer un �quilibre global pour tous les styles et mai �tre sauvegard�es sur Custom Start Up.
- 2�me voix sur Out 1 & 2: On the Outs ajout� S�parez la possibilit� d'envoyer la 2�me Voice on the Out1 sorties 2 et 2.
- Lock Regs Micro: nouvelle fonction ajout�e � Keyboard Utility> Pag 4. Il verrouille le Presets de Micro et Voicetron sur l'enregistrement (mai �tre sauvegard�es sur Start up personnalis�).
Et ce n'est pas fini, alors patience
Oh my little French friend you are so good to us and all this is a BONUS even in French TWD and I can read it, but I would take his advice and take it off especially if OS4 isn�t coming out until next year, we don�t want people get to excited, Diki and Jonny will be buying an Audya and that would never do � not unless they bought them in the UK� then someone would be happy![/B]Drumermix yoz goosed naw, it's in full blown Englosh, is this real I thonk Ketron are the dogs, and all this a bonedust!
Most organ sounds are fixed with Rotor Slow-quick-enabled FBY the Sustain Pedal.
Many voices have aftertouch preset, this option may be disconnected keyboard Control> Aftertouch> Backgrounds & Port Autoswitch On-Off.
- Preset Edit: new possibility to change the presets and save them to the programs (without overwriting the original sounds presets)
Select with F1-10, the preset and keep pressed for 1 sec. Then edit the sound, give a name, select the destination program and press SAVE. .
- 320 new programs: completely different presets in Split, Bass & Righ, Left & Right, Morphing combinantions.
- 453 new GM Voices
- New DSP effects: New reverb algorithms, Distorsor, Echo, Rotor.
- New Digital Drawbars:. Ability to include in programs also 20 new custom presets called jazz, pop, tubes, Theater, Rock.
- Style Lock Balance: is obtained by pressing simultaneuosly 2 horizontal sliders (an asterisk appears next to the function balance in Style Fashion Style> Mode 2 / 2. The function allows to set an overall balance for all styles and may be saved on Custom Start Up.
- 2nd voice on Out 1 & 2: On the Outs Separate added the ability to send 2nd Voice on the Out1 output 2 and 2.
- Lock Regs Micro: new feature added to Keyboard Utility> Pag 4. It locks the presets and Micro Voicetron Registration (May be stored on Start up custom).
And it's not over, then patience
Keep going Drumermix it's like The Sound Of Music, don't stop for me!
[This message has been edited by Tony Hughes (edited 03-10-2010).]