Like most of us in that era, the music and the musicians were captivating. Just about everyone stood out. But, my two favorites, who I still listen to today were Alvin Lee (guitarist) of Ten Years After, and............Jon Lord, the most innovative keyboardist ever. You never knew what direction he was coming from in his riffs. His syncopation and timing was outstanding. Musical ideas were in abundance.....he never ran out them.

I'll never forget when I was in London. Deep Purple (in the Deep Purple in Rock era) were playing at the Odeon. I found out that afternoon and by the time I got there seats, of course, were sold out. One of the entourage heard me say I was from America and they were my absolute favorite band. Next thing I knew I was sitting in a balcony seat, for nothing, directly over John Lord. Watched every move he made while I had my hands over my ears. It was like sitting on an airport runaway with jet engines all around you. Speakers packed onto the stage. Still.......what a show!

I'm so sorry to hear of his death. His music was a part of me all these years. This is one person who truly mourns his passing.
