JMHOI admit to using SMF for SOME songs - Lord knows I screwed up ROYALLY in presenting one a short time ago -

I LOVE to hear LIVE musicians PLAYING instruments, be it as a soloist, in a small combo, in a full band, with or without vocals ... If you have TALENT I want to hear it.
I think there is a BIG difference between someone who PLAYS an arranger, and someone who ONLY plays/sings to backing tracks.
I fail to see the reasoning behind criticizing an arranger player solely because the person is playing an arranger.
In today's world, there are countless of excellent musicians sitting home because there is only a limited amount of work to be had. So, who gets the work? - the arranger player, because if necessary, he/she can fill the room with the sound of a full band, OR, if the situation warrants play as a duo or trio.
chas, you say that when you hear a 'soloist' you are hearing what comes out of that person's head, not someone else's ... does that mean you do not listen to a vocalist or a featured soloist with a live band behind them because what the band is playing may have come out of the head of the individual who "arranged" the band part, and not out of the head of the soloist?
Many of the people on this forum are hard working musicians whose only source of income is through 'entertaining' others while using an 'arranger keyboard'. To lump ALL arranger players as
" modestly talented amateurs who lack either the time, the will, or the talent, to learn a 'real' instrument and who demand to sound good with the least possible effort" is just WRONG. Many of the players on this forum have gone to arrangers only to continue their livelihood. Is there something wrong in that?
I have seen some DJs who can REALLY make an affair a PARTY!!! But I have also seen DJs who make it seem like I am listening to a radio.
As for whether
I would pick a OMB or a DJ? I would audition BOTH and pick based on TALENT!!!
I would rather see and hear a musician using his/her talent, rather than have someone 'spin' someone's records ...
PS chas, if I did not understand your position on this, or misinterpreted what you were saying, feel free to correct me ...