were'nt we supposed to have a new OS for AUDYA by now ??
Tone and Sokratis know much more all abaut new OS, but Ketron say: "Shut up"....if you talk then we do this and this.....
And on the end what hepened Abaut new OS? Ketron just solved minor bugs and all will be happy.
Nothing abaut Style kreator track transpose
nothing abaut User Live guitar load who load two sample in the same time at once.....
and much more.....
I am so tired abaut all this.....
Dusan..Nobody says talks to me
�Shut up"
However when entrusts to me, a company a file, that it is don't have release, I then should brought worthy the confidence.
And I will say him again�.
I do not work for Ketron..... I have friendly persons there and I have helped in are untied certain problems in Audya.
I am user Audya and I face the same problems that you have and you�.
Anything I locate, in Audya, and almost the all problems that I see here, I report him in company, however only the company has the decisions....
Something like that, the new OS I have him in Beta Version, and it fixed enough bugs, as also it adds certain new operations�
as I said however, only the company it decides when it will be released.
Edited by Sokratis 1974 (08/07/12 12:14 AM)
Style Producer
Ketron Event, Ketron Audya 76, Audya 5, SD9, SD1,Yamaha Genos, Korg Pa3x, microarranger, Roland Fantom G6, V-Synth XT, XV-5080, SH201, D-50, Novation KS4, Dave Smith Evolver