"and especially now that AJ added those AWESOME T4 choir voices to the Audya library!!!" really...i'd love to hear them voices coming from the AUDYA
Hi Leezone,
Am I missing something here? We both have Audyas - we both want our Audyas to be the best it can be. I've loaded AJ's demos direct on my Audya in MP3 format. (Search for AJAM demos over here & you'll find link).
In my modest opinion, AJ did a fantastic job. I listened more than once to every single demo and I am amazed by the quality.
I could not care less where those samples are from. (Most use other's midis & MP3s, they gig with it and they are paid well for doing so) In his readme file AJ describes the professional musicians who were hired to create all the new Live guitar and other audio parts.
It is such a pity this friction between AJ & Ketron. I honestly do not know the history behind this.
Now I'm forced to decide:
1. Do I want to add AJ's fantastic additions to my Audya & loose all support from Tonewheeldude. And for me his support thus far has been as AWESOME as my Audya by itself. I do not have enough good things to say about Darren!!!
2. Do I loose out on this GREAT addon, but still get help in case needed.
I do not want to become Ketron's enemy - but then I really also want everything AJ has for my Audya. Not an easy one to make...
Such a pity we cannot all just rather work together to make the Audya all it can be. Maybe a solution would be an extra HD, loaded with the latest Ketron stuff only. Then an AJ HD loaded with his stuff. If I experience problems with his & the help is not available promply like with Darren, I can re-install the original Ketron HD till help arrives.
Leezone, do yourself a HUGE favor - load AJ's demo MP3's on your Audya. Then use a pair of good quality earphones and go sit undesturbed and listen. I'll say no more as I'll not become part of this "fight". I love my Audya, but I also love all you guys and appreciate everything that everyone of you did for this AWESOME arranger.
There are tons of free stuff available for the Yamaha's (Nearly 65 000 styles only on PSRToturial alone). I'd like to see something similar starting to happen for the Audya. And this will greatly benefit the popularity of this AWESOME but much neglected product.
Unfortunately it won't, not with our current attitude towards each other and it's such a pity...
Keep well all my friends,