I like BUSY styles to control,

I don't like PEDALS,

I am a quick finger player,.......the more Buttons, Sliders & Dials on deck make my navigation all the more better for me.
I don't want to sound like a Jazz trio muting out parts, on the contrary I try to recreate a busy 6 or 7pc band sound like I had in the 60's 70's before all this computer generated music came to light....as in the title One MAN "BAND"..........
this is MY style of playing and I am happy with it. I respect all else that I see & hear perform trying to learn from it all,....but I will voice my TRUE opinion of what I hear also hoping that it will benefit someone in someway or not.
Years ago there was no such thing as a transpose buttons you had to play in every key especially for singers, you don't miss what you don't have,

....but in today's easy technological world of music transposing has been made very easy & that's a good thing, use it all I say.. IMO..