#350016 - 08/30/12 10:48 PM
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
I'm AMAZED to not read more about this upgrade here. No, I do not have mine as yet, but will most definitely soon.
I also do not have Ketron's new sound upgrade as yet. Was that so impressive that this AJAMSONIC stuff no longer impress anyone?
Last night I listened to those demos again. WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!
How is it then that no one else is impressed? Those new style choir voices addons alone are enough to seriously impress me.
Do you guys not miss those when you listen to the Tyros 4 demos? Is it only me who want those on my Audya?
What about the new styles? Do you not find them impressive too? Have you listened to the bagpipe in 8 Beat 3? That seriously impressed me on the Tyros 4 demo, AJ's version impresses me even more!!!
I'm amazed by the lack of response from you guys? Do you not see a good thing when you find it? Why then so little discussion over here on such a stunning upgrade? Is it only me that want the absolute best for my Audya?
If I may suggest, get some oomph back into your life (drink a Red Bull if you HAVE to) and:
1. Download ALL those demos. 2. Load them onto your Audya. 3. Get a pair of good quality earphones. 4. Go listen to them a few times. Each time you do, you'll hear something new for your Audya.
I've listened to all those demos at least ten times or more, & everytime I do I realize more what REALLY went into creating those.
I cannot be without it anymore & I'll have my very own version soon complete with the Tutorial DVD. Next I'll give my impressions about it, but I can allready tell you that it will be good!!!
I find it so hard to accept that more of you are not excited about things like these...What DOES it take to excite you then? Everyone shouts: "Styles, give me styles - I want more styles!!!" But when you do get it, you are as quiet as a grave.
Come on man - some of you MUST have this upgrade installed allready. Give us some feedback on it. Nightlife was not impressed. Hard for me to understand why not... Give us your feedback over here. This topic is well worth discussing. Let's do then!
As far as I can tell:
1. All style voices now balanced properly. One style will no longer shout at you when you select. Same with selecting voices. 2. Onboard styles have been reworked. I can clearly hear the new added choir voices on many of them. 3. Drum timings have been fixed. 4. New manual nylon guitar strumming mode implemented - clearly demonstrated in one of the demos. 5. Stunning new styles added. 6. New very impressive choir voices added - this is what I look forward to the most!!! 7. New audio drum loops added. 8. New live guitar loops added. 9. Many new instruments added 10. Many more features added like i.e. midi & MP3 files.
I can clearly hear all of the above in those demos and it's stunning, to say the very least.
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#350019 - 08/31/12 12:20 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
You know what else I find amazing:
AJ did not shout anywhere about the addons - no bragging of any sorts. He simply & humbly demonstrates these in a very subtile way in all of those demos.
It is only by listening to those over & over again that one begins to realize just what comes with this upgrade. And only if you know your Audya well, will you realize just what's new. And if you've downloaded the many Tyros 4 demos and listened to those over & over (like I did), you'll appreciate this upgrade even more!
Ketron's way of doing things are unique to me and very different to the typical American way. AJ operate along these same lines and that's one of the things I really like about him.
Me, as you all know by now, like a typical American (although I'm not by origen) I shout about every little thing I find. AJ to the contrary, simply demonstrates it in his uqnique humble way & also in such a way that you have to really search for it to find it.
Well, I've done some searching & now I inform you all what I've found. Hope you can appreciate with me.
As for me, soon I'll proudly display the "AMG" badge on my Mercedes (how I wish on both instances...), no, really just kidding. But soon I'll proudly display the "AJAMSONIC" badge on my Audya & I'll brag about wherever I go. The Audya is GREAT, but AJAMSONIC upgrade will make it even BETTER!!!
Please note: I am very well pleased with Darren's way of attending to my problems. He's really a very dedicated Ketron dealer. This topic is NOT about support, but about a new product available for the Audya. I have nothing but the highest praises for Darren, otherwise known as Tonewheeldude. I want to sincerely thank him for attending to my self induced problem so quickly and for supplying the remedy without delay. Thank you Darren, you are GREAT & Ketron should be proud of you!!!
Keep well all my very, very, VERY quiet friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#350021 - 08/31/12 03:37 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Man, I talk a lot!!!
At one stage my dream was to have an Audya, a Tyros 4 and a PA3X. Maybe even an PSR S950.
This has now changed. All I want is all the upgrades available for my Audya. For the first time ever, I'm completely satisfied with what I have. The news of the new Yamaha PSR S950 does not excite me in the least. I have it ALL!!!
I say again, I'm in arranger heaven. And between Ketron and AJAMSONIC, this Audya is far from being developed to it's fullest potential. I'm convinced that we'll still see some astonishing things to come yet.
Imagine if the same effort goes into creating audio choir voices that went into creating live guitar & drum loops. And I'm totally convinced that it will come soon.
Really, with the Audya the sky is the absolute limit. I know of no other arranger that allowed such a HUGE upgrade as the AJAMSONIC upgrade. It's like turning an already stunning arranger into something completely new & fresh. And to think, the only limitation is AJ's creative ideas.
I'm sure much, much more are to follow. We'll be blown away even more yet...
I'm also sure of this: (Prove me wrong if you can - some of you have T4s)
1.The Tyros 4 can no longer offer ANYTHING that the AJAMSONIC Audya cannot offer too. 2. The Audya & especially the AJAMSONIC Audya can offer many, many things that the Tyros 4 cannot.
It's really as simple as that!
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#350098 - 08/31/12 11:57 PM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Junior Member
Registered: 08/11/12
Posts: 14
#350205 - 09/02/12 11:06 PM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: vin5451]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
I'm sorry to say, but you Audya owners & players do not sieze to AMAZE me:
Over 3000 views on Robert Messier's upcoming style add-on which will be amazing, I'm sure.
However, in comparison barely 300 views on a MAJOR upgrade like AJAMSONIC, which includes much, much more than a few additional styles.
Oh well, I guess the competition out there for some will not be as fierce if they have this upgrade installed. If you do & you gig for a living, rest assured that you'll be so far advanced that not many with Audyas will be able to compete with what you have to offer. And no longer will anyone with a Tyros 4 be any threat to any your bookings.
As for us: Everytime we perform all will say WOW!!! Even if there are other Audyas around. With ours, AJAMSONIC badge and all, We'll simply be in a league of our own.
Tx AJ for making all of this happen!
Keep well all my friends, Henni
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#350223 - 09/03/12 03:00 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
The AJAMSONIC package upgrade includes the following NOT found on the regular AUDYA series keyboards:-
• 120+ New Styles (USER STYLE Section – Styles start with the blue dot “ .”) with Human response and feeling using longer audio loops (i.e. 16 -32 bars long). Great new and modern Disco, Dance, Techno, Pop, Folk, authentic Caribbean (Zouk Love, Soca … etc), and African styles (Ndombolo, Makossa, Highlife … etc) developed and performed by Musicians from these respective regions of the world. Special care was taken into considering the US market with flourishing styles of music which includes real Big Band and Swing, Real Country which uses Audio Drums and Guitars recorded by actual Country musicians [e.g. musicians who have played with Don Williams, Dolly Parton … to name but a few], and others who participated in this project, True Gospel, Rich RnB, Soul and – yes, even RAP … etc. With longer measures in each style (16+ measures long in many cases), we were able to make the styles ‘breath’ by reducing the redundancies associated with ‘loops’. With the new Interactive Arranger, you simply play and AUDYA adds or subtracts parts of the Arranger section based on how you play. Longer loops also means your style doesn’t sound like … a loop, but a piece of music fully blown and produced with professionalism due to various musical tones at various parts of the style and intuition from … AUDYA. The STANDARD package has 30 New styles.
• Compressor [Premium, and Deluxe Packages]. Finally, per our customers request, with the new compressor, you now have AUDYA sounding ‘tight’ with some studio feeling, especially on the new STUDIO AUDIO DRUMS. Feel the punch of the tighter kick drum, the noticeable snare or the precision of the high hat!
• Over 123 New Voices/Samples. 30 of these can be found in the PRESETS and PROGRAM Section – for Synth, Guitars, Sax/Brass/Woodwinds with new VCE-2 and RAM/INS (raw samples with no effects). With the optional 128 or 256MB RAM expansion, even more can be loaded at once from the Hard Drive. Play a voice, let Audya add characterization automatically suited for that voice, like human breath, guitar slides, run ups/downs, key off sampling notes, eliminate attack on legato notes where applicable … etc. These voices start with “AJAM” [Premium package with has extra voices not found in the Standard Package due to RAM expansion], “New” or “Live” when displayed on the screen in PROGRAM mode. The PRESET voices which incorporate these new samples also start with the word “LIVE” or “NEW” to distinguish them from the other factory voices. The STANDARD Package comes with 15 new voices and no RAM expansion circuit board.
• New ‘HUMAN’ voices recorded from choirs (You, Who, Whow ... etc) and some of these are also used to ‘accent’ relative styles, such as the new Gospel or Blues styles … etc.
• New Arpeggios. Originally only available on high-end Synthesizer Workstations, AUDYA now brings you new Arps which you can now play using distinctive lead voices – great for Modern Dance/Techno beats. These voices (believe it or not) can also be used by the Arranger bringing a sense of randomization to your music. They can be loaded from the DISK – INSTRUMENTS and start with ARP*.MSP (e.g. ARP_BRITE130.MSP) – where 130 is the suggested BMP of the style you want to associate this MSP with/to. Many of these are loaded when turned on and used in the new Dance styles… plus others.
• Corrected Original AUDIO Drums (Premium and Deluxe Packages). Now experience no Audio ‘skips’, spaces or freezes in the HD as you switch from Arranger to Arranger or call up a style on the fly. In some cases the AUDIO Drum loops have been re-truncated to ensure smooth transition between audio files being streamed when using the arranger. We listened to the request of our customers and made sure that all the Factory styles and users styles now sound ‘proper’ with no ‘hiccups’.
• Added Over 800 new Audio Drums. (450 in the Standard package). These are used with current Factory (corrected) and the New styles. These audio drums (about 480 Studio Live drums [120 in Standard Package]) include performances done by musicians both in Live Play situations and Live Studio settings! You will ‘feel’ the drums and not be driven away by them the minute you sit down and play with any of the new styles. Some of the factory styles have also been re-tweaked to incorporate these new exciting Audio Drums.
• New AUDIO Guitars which can be used with any style. These have been added to the existing AUDIO GUITARS table (seen when you press F5 from the STYLE VIEW Mode and use the Data wheel to scroll through them).
• New GUITAR MODE – Use your Left hand/chords or Right hand (when Pianist/Bassist is activated) to manually strum AUDIO GUITAR parts. Simply hold a chord and use any finger on the left (or right in Bassist Mode) to ‘strum’ AUDIO GUITAR live. The Audio guitar follows your strum style.
• New Chord Recognition Mode – Incorporated into EASY-2. Play a chord with a SINGLE FINGER and the Style plays complete chord, but any style with a vocal patch plays just the root of the Chord (used to introduce variation as you play).
• BALANCED all styles. Now, style volumes remain constant as you change from style to style. Great when performing live – sound man can ‘rest’ and not have to fidget with levels each time you switch from a style/song to another, even when switching between the various Arranger parts of the same styles.
• BALANCED all Voices so now, don’t be scared to switch from say a Sax to the Distorted guitar – all volumes are relatively even on all instruments.
• New TONE MATCHING FEATURE (Premium and Deluxe Packages) A TONE MATCHING feature has been incorporated into instruments such as the new Distorted and Rock Guitars, so the warm feeling of the amplifiers used to create these sounds is now present in the voice as well (by recording the signals from both the guitar itself and a microphone placed close to the amplifier to capture what your audience actually ‘hears’, AUDYA carefully manages both signals – depending on notes pressed and intermittence between notes pressed). Listen to the new Vintage and Rock Lead guitars to appreciate what TONE MATCH does!
• Re-Adjusted sensitivity on VCE and now Voice Character Emulation is used with many more preset and Program voices. Listen to the new Preset Alto Sax or Tenor Sax for an example.
• Voice Character Emulation - 2. Experience the world of realism when your trumpet comes to live with trills or your sax with the sounds of the valves and breathe of the player, or new Guitar sounds (e.g. Nylon, African Strato, Rock Lead … etc) with real fret or slides or body-tap or … sounds. Test this with all the new “AJAM”, “LIVE” and “NEW” voices as you play – press harder, slide up or down on keys or play legato or … etc. Without having a dedicated button/control, you focus on playing and let AUDYA automatically do the rest. If you don’t want any characterization added to a voice, simply play normally. The more you express yourself, the more AUDYA expresses what you’ve just expressed … musically!
• New start up features and balanced DSP for warmer natural sounds and also includes new Compressor settings.
• New VOCALIZER Settings. Now you can use vocalize with minimum feedback and basically no distortion on harmonized voices, thanks to the new algorithms included with this package!
• New VOCAL HARMONY HOLD (*) – A singer’s best friend. Sing and press a pedal (pre-assigned) to ‘hold’ the note you just sung, while you sing on top of the “sustained” note. The note(s) held could either be simply your voice or your voice harmonized by the ‘sweet ladies’ in your keyboard. Either way, if your back-up vocalist is late or a no show, AUDYA has you covered regardless.
• New Favorite Style Voices - Pick a style. AUDYA will automatically pick four One Touch relative voices best suited for this style. These voices change automatically as you go from Style variation to variation. This keeps out all the guess work or eliminates you having to SEARCH for the appropriate voice for each style you play. You also automatically experience some of the new and revised voices which are also in the PREMIUM or DELUXE packages, used in the styles themselves!
• New Favorite Voices linked to styles If the “new Favorite STYLE VOICES” feature mentioned above (which associates four voices to each new style) isn’t enough, what about associating twenty? Pick a new style - Audya picks the best 20 voices for this style of music automatically. You can instantly select these voices from the screen without searching all over the place, by simply pressing one button. Of course, these can be edited by you eventually if needed (as explained in the manual or our Tutorial and Manual DVD … soon to be released). This feature will soon be expanded to ALL current AUDYA styles in a free upgrade.
• New Effects synchronized to styles and midi tempo/clock, such as DELAY.
• Bonus Songs (Mp3, and Midifile/Karaoke). (Premium and Deluxe Packages) For those who want some music during a performance break or songs to perform with, this huge collection (over 8000 songs from all Gendres including music from the 40’s – 80’s, Country, Disco, Latin, Kids songs, Old School, Party, Polka, Standards, Rock, Soul, Pop, Dance, Reggae, Soca, Ndombolo, Highlife, Mapuka … etc) provides you with a huge library of songs to play, sing along with or relax to. Some include lyrics which are automatically displayed on the screen. Use AUDYA’s Lead VOICE MUTE to mute the lead voice while you sing/perform over the original track, or transpose the track to your key without changing the pitch, or change the tempo of the track without changing it’s pitch or …. The combinations are endless. Either way, AUDYA follows you (not the other way round as is the case with most Arranger and Workstation Keyboards).
• Bonus Styles. Includes over 90 styles from the Ketron Style library which have been re-programmed (balanced and tone matched) for the AUDYA Series. These reside in the UNPLUGGED style group. More of these will be available for free for AJAMSONIC customers.
• 2nd Hard Drive Installation connector (optional). This can be used to install a 2nd Hard Drive in your AUDYA. This adaptor REPLACES the option to use the 2nd USB connector [2nd from left] on the front panel (do you really need 2 USB connectors anyway?)
• New 1 year extended warrantee (**). Giving our customers peace of mind was a factor we seriously took into consideration as well. If given the opportunity to install this package for you, we will look through the entire instrument and make sure your AUDYA product is well serviced and is armed right to face tomorrow’s music challenges.
VIDEO TUTORIAL & MANUAL INFORMATION A ~ 3hrs long tutorial and manual will soon be released (***). This video manual goes into great detail showing you how to faithfully use your Ketron AUDYA – Standard and with the AJAMSONIC package installed, and it shows you tips and tricks to get the best out of AUDYA in performance, studio or house of worship situations; with many questions answered and new ideas demonstrated.
Contact us at 267-323-5005 for more information and future updates and new styles sounds, new Song Registrations (settings for popular songs for your KETRON Keyboards) soon to be released.
• * Requires a new and modified Sound card • ** Warrantee is valid only if we do the installation! • *** 30% of Video tutorial with purchase of the AJAMSONIC upgrade (serial number needed).
PRODUCT Availability:- December 2011.
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#350228 - 09/03/12 04:00 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: vin5451]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
...but can Ketron upgrades be loaded (improvements directly from the factory) adjacent to AJamSonic? ... I am totally convinced that AJ will incorporate all factory upgrades into his upgrade & offer those as free downloads for AJAMSONIC owners. But AJ, I think it's time for you to confirm this yourself - a valid concern that future AJAMSONIC customers might have.As for me: I fully intend to have two Hard Drives at all times: 1. Latest Ketron factory updates including all new OS, styles & sound upgrades. 2. Latest AJAMSONIC upgrade. Nothing odd to the above - why else would we run virtual partitions on our PCs and have different window platforms installed on one PC? AJ even supplies a connector for a 2nd Hard Drive. I hope that he can present a way for the Audya to decide from which one to boot. But even if not, the above is still worth the effort to me. Yes, I agree, maybe a slight shlep, but then definitely worth the outcome at least for me. It will be like having two completely different arrangers, determined by the Hard Drive booted from only. And I'll always have a immediate backup available should I mess up the operating system again like I did with mine. And lastly: Since my Audya, no other arranger impress me anymore. I'd rather spend my money turning my Audya into everything it could be than spending it on yet another arranger. So the price is not such a major factor for me to consider...Just imagine the amount of work AJAMSONIC must have put into this upgrade! Keep well mate, Henni
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#353665 - 10/29/12 01:42 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: gokuss4]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
First of all, AJ was very, very helpful in responding to my various questions to him over the weekend. He responded promptly to every one of those & I had quite a few that I put to him.
Also, my parcel was packed & wrapped very carefully - I was really impressed by this.
Well, the whole of yesterday was spent in loading back all my User Styles, User Drums, all my own MP3s, my own registries (and they all work properly!),all my own Midis, my own Waves, my own MSPs and various other stuff I had on my Audya before. This really took a full day to do & I was only finished late last night.
So, I only had a half hour or so to play with my new AJAMSONIC stuff before I HAD to go to bed. I cannot do with another sleepless night again...
I am super impressed. Now that I switched on the 2nd voice, I'm even more amazed by the excellent voice selection for the various arrangements for each style.
Played around with the new choir voices again - the are AWESOME & I must learn to apply & use them properly.
I cannot emphasize enough what valuable info resides on the two tutorial DVDs. Unfortunately I cannot & will not share too many of those, as the info belongs to AJ. All I can say is that I never knew the complex things that could be achieved on the Audya. If only someone like Diki (who likes these kind of things) could have these videos, he'll be blown away by it - it's just THAT amazing!!!
We've been invited to sing at the parking lot of a semi large shopping center every Saturday till end of year - this is big for us (remember, we don't gig). So we'll have an excellent opportunity to use our new AJAMSONIC upgrade. I'll post some pics & live songs over at the forum for all to see. I have much work ahead of me this week to prepare new music for these events.
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#353680 - 10/29/12 08:59 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I would like to get price options on a upgrade, but e-mails and phone calls have produced nothing.
Any suggestions ?
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#353720 - 10/29/12 03:54 PM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Ketron_AJ]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
AJ I did not mean this in a derogatory way. I called twice to the above number at 10:00 A.M. EST with no answer, and sent an e-mail to your site Friday to contact me.
I simply am trying to see if I can benefit from your products at a reasonable cost.
Thanks Bernie
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#353779 - 10/31/12 12:19 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi AJ, How did you play those "Hey...Whow" voices simultaneously in your "A Hot Gospel 5" demo? Kind regards, Hennie Hennie, You can accomplish this by doing the following (also explained in DVD manual). USING PROGRAM. Once you've loaded both voices into RAM, go to PROGRAM and select a program you want to edit (preferably in the CHOIR section). * Press EDIT to enter the program EDIT mode. * Press F1 to go to voice 1 and then press RAM/INS to enter the RAM voice pages. * Turn wheel to get the HEY voice. * Press F1 again to go to voice 2 and then press RAM to enter the RAM pages once more. Turn wheel to get the WHOW voice next. These should be displayed in capital letters, otherwise you are still in the ROM voices in AUDYA. * Press USER5/10 to enter the CONTROL page and go to CONTROL 2/2. * Press F3 to access the VELOCITY (how hard you press before a voice is heard). * For voice 1, set Velocity 0-90 (when you play soft, you will hear this voice). * For voice 2, set Velocity 89-127 (when you play a little harder, you will hear this voice). I use 89 as a cross (versus starting the 2nd voice at 91) so that there is a time when if you press just right, you get both. * Test to your touch. * Now press USER 4/9 (Effects SEND) and add REVERB (23 to V1 and 50 to V2 - you want V2 to have a 'sustain' effect and not just end when you release the key). I would also recommend adding Chorus to V1 (voice 1). * Test and if ok, press SAVE and User 5/10 to save your new Program which will be loaded whenever keyboard is powered on. *** As you play the voice, remember - when you play soft, you will hear (HEY). When you press HARD, you will hear WHOW. You can (as we did) play with 2 fingers hard to get HEY and 3 fingers soft to get WHOW. A few tricks as you play gives you control over when these voices come in as opposed to assigning to the styles engine (which you can still do with STYLE VIEW) and having choir voices come at the same place the same time over and over again. Feel free to share the response above with the forum....
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#353782 - 10/31/12 03:08 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Registered: 05/04/09
Posts: 559
Loc: Slovenija
Hi all,
I'm a bit slow in posting some more AJAMSONIC demos as promised. I am currently assigning those AWESOME choir voices to my over 100 existing registries. This takes a while.
What I've discovered is this:
1. I assign one of the new AJAMSONIC onboard choir voices to my lower 2 voice. 2. Next I assign some of the new live RAM choir voices to my lower 1, different for each variation.
This sounds very realistic, at least to me. If we now sing ANYTHING without these new choir voices, it sounds thin & incomplete. When I'm all done we'll record another few songs that will clearly demonstrate this.
When all the above is done, I want to assign some of those new fantastic live guitar voices to my right hand & learn to play these as a type of harmony or fill in whilst Monica sings.
Next, I've now learned through the AJAMSONIC tutorial DVDs that I can assign more live voices to other style parts, that is apart from channel 4 & 5. I intend to revamp all styles used thus far.
Only then will I start creating new songs using my fabolous new AJAMSONIC styles. So within a week or so, I'll be ready with some new AJAMSONIC demos. In the meantime I'm really enjoying this new AJAMSONIC upgrade. It turned out to be everything & more that I hoped for. I feel so sorry for those of you who are missing out on this fantastic upgrade.
Keep well al my friends,
Henni Hi Henni, I thing a loong time about Ajamsonic upgrate and allso thing that will be a last thing what i am doing for my Audya.All that time I suspect about my Audya sound board.Here is something wrong cos Audya sounding wery unclear (if i am chousing wright words). I asck AJ about that and AJ asck me about my serial number of Audya.I send them that serial and after this they dont respond enimore. What is my question about Ajamsonic upgrade? Haw meny new Live guitar is unboard? Haw meny new Live Drums is unboard? and if some new GM sounds exist in that upgrade. My desire is to hear some that new stuf like single Mp3 file for ich sound and ather things. I will be gretfol if you can do that on that forum. Thank you
#353783 - 10/31/12 04:08 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Dusan]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi Dusan, Before I answer, just give me some time to verify the answers. Maybe AJ will even answer himself. What I CAN tell you is that my Audya now takes over two minutes to boot, it's loading THAT many extra information... The included brochure says: 1. Over 200 new voices/samples 2. 160+ new styles 3. Over 1560 new Audio Drums (1280 Studio Live Drums) 4. Over 8 000 songs from all genres 5. Over 100 styles from Ketron style library re-programmed & balanced. In the meantime, find the AJAMSONIC upgrade demos here. You have to subscribe, but it's free & takes less than one minute: password: abc123 In these demos you'll clearly hear many of the new styles & voices. I cannot play these new voices properly like AJ did. I still listen to these demos almost on a daily basis as I learn from it how to properly apply & use all these new voices.. Keep well my friend, Henni
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#354062 - 11/05/12 12:42 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: gokuss4]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi my friend,
Of course it did. This is MY version only of this fantastic style. In demo, AJ plays choir voices with right hand. In my version, I have choir set permanently inside style in Lower 1 & Rock Organ in Lower 2. I like to use AJs choir voices in this way. Right hand voices created & set by AJ himself.
For most of our music, I now have the live "Shoo" voice set for variation 1 & 2 and the live "Hey" voice set for variation 3 & 4. Maybe I'll add some more variation later, but then I must give up some other voices as my Audya do not have the extra RAM & I have to make do with what I have. Plus I like to play everything with my left hand, including fill ins... I do not have a footswitch & I do no not intend getting one.
All the new AJAMSONIC styles are AMAZING!!! So where to start? Last night when going through them, I was inspired to create this song. Monica not now in a mood for singing, so I have to play something myself.
I don't understand why everyone so crazy about Robert's new forthcoming styles only. AJ created more than 160 SUPERB!!! styles, just waiting to be used. And yes, they are ready already, no need to wait a few months first. You have TODAY if you wish.
I am TOTALLY satisfied with my AJAMSONIC upgrade. It was money well spent!!!
Keep well my friend,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#354095 - 11/05/12 11:47 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Registered: 01/21/10
Posts: 1537
We can all take a lesson from AJ here, who has made very good use of the resources Ketron have made available to everyone on the stock Audya, it interesting to break down the demo and see how he has achieved these results:
First : , in Audya, select the Gospel_SD (R ) style. This is Robert Messiers work from 8 years ago, but with some extra Ride, and choir sounds added from style view to LOWER
Now, comparing AJ's style in Henni's demo: 1- Listen to the intro of HENNIE01.mp3 and listen to the internal Gospel_SD (R ) Its Roberts INTRO 3:
2- In STYLE VIEW select the BASS Bank: GOSPEL 3 (or Funky 3) to get something very similar
3- In the mp3, at 0.36 , notice the fill? (the drums crashes and the snare triplet at the end of the fill? and the bass slide?) Again good use of the original fill from the gospel SD style: ArrC
4- At 1.46, you can hear the SD 5 riff with some added drums.
5- At 3.26, you can enjoy Roberts SD fill again
6- At 4.12, Robert's SD5 ending 3 (internal Gospel_SD (R )
This is something any of us to do to some extent, simply using Style View. Thinking of it, editing Roberts SD5 styles are good idea - I had not thought of doing that myself.
#354116 - 11/05/12 02:34 PM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
The KETRON Factory style Hennie used in his demonstration falls under the category of REMIXED/BALLANCED FACTORY styles - which Tonewheeldude above has explained how some of it was achieved (which any end user with an existing standard AUDYA product can do with time, practise and mixing skills - minus the new Organ and Choir voices and effects ofcourse). Our 3+Hrs detailed DVD Manual and Tutorial also takes you through step by step, showing you how, when, why to do what with your AUDYA. We've also included work-arounds and solutions to otherwise challenges many thought couldn't be accomplished on the AUDYA and having this DVD set alone makes such a task even easier to accomplish. With the new balanced levels, all styles are now at the same level, so when/as you switch from style to style, the volumes remain constant.
The 120 New styles are those which for the most part heavily depend on the New Audio Drums, New voices, New effects, New Guitar mode, longer loops ... etc. Working in collaboration with style progrmmers Ketron uses (to ensure quality in the final product) such as Corrado or Marcello (for QA), we believe we've not only been able to breath new life into an existing product (which you can hear for yourselves), but also create an instrument which out-of-the-box, any player with any level of playing skills can simply plug in ... play. We've done all the hard work so you don't have to!
The core reasons behind developing and producing the AJAMSONIC upgrade are ...
1. Giving current AUDYA owners an opportunity to enhance their instrument with huge content, provide more options/features and maximize on existing functions within the instrument while also taking care of some issues such as eliminating Audio Drum timing issues. The good thing is they can have all this while keeping the keyboard they already own and paid a lot for. As many Audya AJAMSONIC users will tell you, it's like they now have 3 keyboards ... in one, espcially when you take into consideration the vast new content (with more to come)!
2. Providing an option to non Ketron owners to finally experience in a KETRON instrument features, Presets and content they have been used to and asked for (check out the amazing new Techno Dance, Hip Hop, Raggae, Ragaetone, Soca, Cajun, Song book [coming] styles ...); New Choir, Synth and Pad Voices; new Brass, Sax and other woodwinds with authentic Articulation (VCE-2); added ARPS (a feature usually associated only with typical Workstations) which can be used with the lead voices (single or layered/Program) or with styles and Midifiles ... etc.
3. Listening to customers for ideas and suggestions (current and future) and providing outstanding service to ALL our customers regardless of residence/location ... with no additional cost for Product Support. We are now working with some KETRON dealers worldwide to follow suit as well. You will be amazed at the wealth of information you obtain by asking a previous KETRON customer why he/she decided to sell their AUDYA. Doing this has also enabled many of such customers re-purchase a KETRON AUDYA AJAMSONIC keyboard this time around.
When asked about our products, the main cry had been the service (or lack of) - a phrase I believe AJAMSONIC customers won't echo anytime soon.
As our customers continue to grow, our hope is they can share their experiences and knowledge with others as well. It never hurts to help one another create and enjoy music ... good music that is, and ss we continue to see our customer base expand worldwide, we believe we are gradually accomplishing what we set out to do in the first place - by making most happy with a uniquely great product, provinging outstanding service and support they can count on via a company that truely listens to their customers. Our wants are limitless, but given our existing limited resources, we truely believe we are putting smiles on most's faces. Imagine what we could do ... with more?
#354136 - 11/06/12 12:24 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
My friends,
I find all this politics so wrong. From the first day I've received my Audya, I started fighting for it's reputation, everywhere I visit. So much so, that they've now removed my posts from the Yamaha forum, where I've blessed those with nearly 20 000 of my modified styles over the years. I guess the temptation is becoming too strong for many - many start to admit that the Audya is in a class of it's own. Even over here, on the General arranger forum, many are beginning to discover this for themselves.
Well, I've found just as AWESOME improvement in the AJAMSONIC upgrade. It is my nature to make those around me aware of the good things I discover. I did not lie when I promoted the Audya over at the other forums. I also do not lie when I give feedback on the AJAMSONIC upgrade. And I'll prove it over time with demos that I'll post here.
I do not for the life of me know why all the friction, & I honestly don't care. All I care is what comes out of my Audya. Whether it was from bits & pieces of other styles does not bother me in the least. No one is taking credit for another’s work. In fact, I find AJ to be far too modest with his fantastic achievement. I've not seen him brag in any way or form over at any place, not even in his product description. Go see over at the FAQ thread for yourself. If I did not list his styles, he would most probably not have done so himself.
As far as the Audya goes, I find AJs contribution the most overlooked of all & hence my interference. So, I am ELATED for being open minded enough to discover this GREAT product. I make up my own mind - I do not allow others to do so for me.
So, sit back & enjoy the many demos I'm going to post over here. And when you DO see the light, your only regret will be that you did not see it long ago.
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#354139 - 11/06/12 03:10 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I agree with everything you say about AJ and AJAMSONIC.
As far as your assessment of the Audya is concerned, I felt your opinions to be correct, if not a little lavish, as the Audya has had checkered reviews by some with former problems.
The fact is that my Audya has been the greatest keyboard I've ever owned and, thanks to your description and subsequent call to AJ, have ordered the premium upgrade and tutorial DVD's.
I hope AJ doesn't mind, but I feel compelled to say something about him from my experience.
I didn't seriously consider the upgrade until you started to "market it". When I called him, I found AJ to be very friendly and so proficient it was hard to keep up. He explained that he is employed by Ketron to field questions two days a week, although he gives much more time than that. This is the reason why he isn't always available due to his own business.
The main point being that once a AJAMSONIC customer, he can devote as much time as necessary to make you a satisfied customer. Of this I have no doubt, whatsoever, as he talked to me a good half hour. He has had unbelievable frustrations from other parties which held up the completion of his product, as well as enormous expense, but a great guy in spite of it all.
More when I get my new HDD installed.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#354140 - 11/06/12 03:43 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Bernie9]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Congrats Bernie!!!
You will NOT be disappointed. Everything will take a while to sink in, there's just so much of it, & once it does you'll realize just WHAT you have under your fingertips. I've not been so inspired in a very long time. And everytime I turn on my Audya, I'm inspired anew!
And yes, I find AJ to be an honest, modest & straight forward person. When you watch his tutorial DVD, you'll realize so even more. And yes, just as I chose out of my own to promote Ketron & the Audya, so I chose out of my own to promote the AJAMSONIC upgrade in any way I can. Glad it proves to be worthwhile already!
The other great, but also much overlooked Audya resource is the Create Songstyle forum. I found many, many good styles over there.
Then of course, I have nothing but the highest praise for the Ketron 2011 sound & style upgrade. The 2012 one, really did not impress me all that much as we're not into that kind of music. This of course does not mean that those are not excellent styles also, just not to our specific needs!
Keep well my friend,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#354247 - 11/07/12 09:40 PM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
I'm on hold for now. Without being arrogant, I can sit down just about EVERY night & create a new song from scratch with my AJAMSONIC upgrade, I'm just THAT inspired with it. However, Monica no longer wants me to make all my own creations freely available on the net, regardless of whether they be special or ordinary. (Of course I'd like to think they're special, but thats because I created them & who does not like their own creations...)
We do not play normal secular music - in fact I don't even know anything that well so that I could just play it. The owners are currently busy with extensive renovations (breaking out walls etc.) at the small flat where we are staying for now, so recording anything with vocals is not so easy. During the day everything is stached away in the rooms so that they can continue work in the main sections of the flat. You can imagine how that must be for us. It's a real burden for now.
Please bear with me if I, at least for the moment, not post something new on a daily basis like I used to. Hopefully that will change soon. I promise that I did not choose AJAMSONIC styles selectively thus far - I go through them & then just flow with whatever inspiration follows. I have not even touched on the really outstanding styles as yet, they are just all that good as Bernie will soon be able to confirm.
Be sure to check here from time to time, as our situation might change soon.
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#354635 - 11/13/12 02:07 AM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
Please allow me to elaborate a little on some of the new AJAMSONIC voices: Over 200 New Voices/Samples. 86 of these are automatically loaded when powered on, and can be found in the PRESETS & PROGRAM section for Synth, Guitars, Sax/Brass/ Woodwinds with new VCE-2 and RAM /INS (raw samples with no effects) - new human voices in CHOIR group.
Play a voice, let Audya add charterization automatically suited for that voice, like human breath, guitar slides, run ups/downs, key off sampling notes, eliminate attack on legato notes where applicable...etc. Control vibrato by pressing harder on keys when "Aftertouch" lights up automatically or press harder for bends or press 2 notes and hear a 2nd instrument play harmony (DUET) or...simply play.
Grand & Grand2 Sound & effects through the entire keyboard range - and not just in the center octaves!
Latino, Grand Paras & Grand Pizza Great "synth" effect when key is held down for a period
Space piano & Vopiano Piano sound with human vocals attached
Grand, Pad & Grand Mando Heavy acoustic piano sound
Spark_FM & Elect_HM Sounds like thev real thing!
Spark_Eden, Sparklight & Trans Seq Electric synth piano with great effects
Steel+FX New steel drum with effects!
Organ Morph, B3-Special & Tibia Organ New organs with rich sounds & new rotor slow & fast speeds
Celeste & Harmonica Playing hard or soft adds character (VCE-2) to the new tones in this category
Nylon, Stereo Gtr, Distor SFX & African Gtr New clean authentic samples. Play hard & automatically add bend notes, tap & fret noises. No extra key needed to press to activate VCE-2: Audya works for you!
Vintage Amp, Rocks, Strato & Hard Rock Analog vintage amp sound included (in vintage amp sound)
String Fall Play hard & add bending notes to sound
Voice1, Acapella_1, Acapella_2, Acapella_3, You Dreamer, Ahh, Hey, You Delayed, Hey Panned, Ahh You & Latin Vocals New choir voices sampled from boys & girls together with a new breath_taking achapella (from Italy)
Brass Shake, BBand and Modl, Brass B&S, Trumpets, Mute Trumpet, Shake Brass & Horns The brass sounds have all been re-done with authenticity added by real musicians. Play hard & add bends. Play very soft and add "roll off" notes. Release a note & instantly play another, and hear VCE-2 kick in
Blowtner U, Alto Sax D, Growl Sax, Altosoft D & Clarinet B New sax recorded by actual saxophone players...as they played. Release notes & hear "roll off". play hard & hear notes bend "up". Play soft & when you release, saxophone player takes a breath!
Irish Acts, Irish Air, Nylo Flute & Flute Above New Irish flutes with VCE-2 as you play hard & soft.
Space Gtrs, Movie, Quiet Pad, On Synth, In Space, Paris_112, Gold, Moments, Pizza_112, Renovation, Nylopad, Pad, 2X(MORPH), (MORPH) SP, Softarp_HM & Phatty Pad A whole new category. Rich sounds with the intend to move DANCE, MODERN end users. Rich layers of sounds with crossfading, morphing...etc - now with ARPS ready to be syncronized to your style/Midifile!
Buzzer, Reverse_it, Dazzy, Heaven Up, Eden, Jitters, Hook, Punch, Hook &, Spin About, Bubble, Press Hard & Disco A whole new category of rich synth sounds. Here we listened to our customers & gave them a boost in one of Audya's weakest areas. Now sound like a poweful Synth Workstation with a press of a button!
Mandolins & Mandolin New rich sounds with "DELAY" syncronized to the temp of style/Midifiles
I'm really, but really enjoying my AJAMSONIC upgrade!!!
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#355624 - 11/30/12 08:51 PM
Re: AJ's AJAMSONIC Upgrade
[Re: Henni]
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE