I do not for the life of me understand how you could think that a bad remark like that will not draw negative response from me. You accused me of being after some "most read thread" award.
During my lifespan, I've written extensive software for various flight simulators, I've modified & uploaded a GREAT many styles for the Yamaha community, I've created a FAQ thread for the Ketron users and I've caused quite a few to purchase Audyas & Ajamsonic upgrades & made many aware of the wealth of styles over at the Create Songstyle forum. I do not waste my time by badmouthing someone else that has not caused me any personal harm. I create, I do not destroy!!! I build up, I do not trod down!!! I contribute, I do not critisize!!!
So tell me my friend, what have you been doing during all of this time? In future, rather don't make comments like those not expecting a fight...
Make sure you'll fly forever!