[quote=Henni]... so you 'gym' when you 'jam' ?!? ...

Yup Tony,
'Fraid you're right. This fantastic piece of technology is rather heavy. I always jam with it sitting in my recliner with in on my lap, earphones on my head & all. Trick to get up is to move it away from me first and to then get up in a single, yet very determined attempt whilst holding onto it with everything I have. To top this all, I know there's a hard drive buried in there somewhere, so I have to be a bit docile too when going through all of this.

at first it bothered me, but now I see it as good excersice (it's a mind over matter thing

). Someone once said that we pay someone to cut our lawn, we pay someone to wash our car, we pay someone to clean our house, etc. But then we also pay someone so that we can go & move their heavy pieces of metal around aimlessly over at their place & then we call all of this insanity "gym". Which is the same as digging a hole, planting a tree in it, then digging another hole, uprooting the tree & planting it in the new hole and then start all over again.
To top it all, I'm blessed with an very attactive, much, much younger wife. Ha, I cannot for a moment afford to look like something that's ready to embrace the graveyard. There are too many good looking, really talented & professional arranger players like the rest of you guys out there!

We are all a bit silly I guess...
Keep well my friend,