I seem to have stumbled in to a fire here!
Firstly, My own stuff has been pirated many times and has probably cost me quite a lot of money. It is sickening ! My initial reaction was to stop recording but that would not have helped me. The pirates will always be there and I just have to rise above it and live with it.
Secondly Tonewheeldude's last point applies.
I thought Henni's point here was about a Registration containing a style and I was simply testing that point. If the style was saved within a Registration then every style would be out there in registrations for everyone to share or pirate or whatever they chose to call it.
I wonder just how many perfect people have never been given a style or a sound, mp3 or midifile or even a movie. ??????
I will call Ketron Uk next week and buy the update. I have no intention of ripping anyone off but I think some of you guys should take a look in the mirror
You haw allso right in that case.Everyone who use Internet and ather modern goudis is a potencional Pirate and yes, we must first look in the mirror.
About styles Ketron allso haw some obligations cos they wrote program who save complite style in to registration.In that case we all will be pirates and coppyright brakers when sher some registration betwen users.
So we cant be so rectrictable in that Ketron comunity (if I can cal this so...)