#355019 - 11/19/12 09:42 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
Please allow me to elaborate a little on some of the new AJAMSONIC voices: Over 200 New Voices/Samples. 86 of these are automatically loaded when powered on, and can be found in the PRESETS & PROGRAM section for Synth, Guitars, Sax/Brass/ Woodwinds with new VCE-2 and RAM /INS (raw samples with no effects) - new human voices in CHOIR group.
Play a voice, let Audya add charterization automatically suited for that voice, like human breath, guitar slides, run ups/downs, key off sampling notes, eliminate attack on legato notes where applicable...etc. Control vibrato by pressing harder on keys when "Aftertouch" lights up automatically or press harder for bends or press 2 notes and hear a 2nd instrument play harmony (DUET) or...simply play.
Grand & Grand2 Sound & effects through the entire keyboard range - and not just in the center octaves!
Latino, Grand Paras & Grand Pizza Great "synth" effect when key is held down for a period
Space piano & Vopiano Piano sound with human vocals attached
Grand, Pad & Grand Mando Heavy acoustic piano sound
Spark_FM & Elect_HM Sounds like thev real thing!
Spark_Eden, Sparklight & Trans Seq Electric synth piano with great effects
Steel+FX New steel drum with effects!
Organ Morph, B3-Special & Tibia Organ New organs with rich sounds & new rotor slow & fast speeds
Celeste & Harmonica Playing hard or soft adds character (VCE-2) to the new tones in this category
Nylon, Stereo Gtr, Distor SFX & African Gtr New clean authentic samples. Play hard & automatically add bend notes, tap & fret noises. No extra key needed to press to activate VCE-2: Audya works for you!
Vintage Amp, Rocks, Strato & Hard Rock Analog vintage amp sound included (in vintage amp sound)
String Fall Play hard & add bending notes to sound
Voice1, Acapella_1, Acapella_2, Acapella_3, You Dreamer, Ahh, Hey, You Delayed, Hey Panned, Ahh You & Latin Vocals New choir voices sampled from boys & girls together with a new breath_taking achapella (from Italy)
Brass Shake, BBand and Modl, Brass B&S, Trumpets, Mute Trumpet, Shake Brass & Horns The brass sounds have all been re-done with authenticity added by real musicians. Play hard & add bends. Play very soft and add "roll off" notes. Release a note & instantly play another, and hear VCE-2 kick in
Blowtner U, Alto Sax D, Growl Sax, Altosoft D & Clarinet B New sax recorded by actual saxophone players...as they played. Release notes & hear "roll off". play hard & hear notes bend "up". Play soft & when you release, saxophone player takes a breath!
Irish Acts, Irish Air, Nylo Flute & Flute Above New Irish flutes with VCE-2 as you play hard & soft.
Space Gtrs, Movie, Quiet Pad, On Synth, In Space, Paris_112, Gold, Moments, Pizza_112, Renovation, Nylopad, Pad, 2X(MORPH), (MORPH) SP, Softarp_HM & Phatty Pad A whole new category. Rich sounds with the intend to move DANCE, MODERN end users. Rich layers of sounds with crossfading, morphing...etc - now with ARPS ready to be syncronized to your style/Midifile!
Buzzer, Reverse_it, Dazzy, Heaven Up, Eden, Jitters, Hook, Punch, Hook &, Spin About, Bubble, Press Hard & Disco A whole new category of rich synth sounds. Here we listened to our customers & gave them a boost in one of Audya's weakest areas. Now sound like a poweful Synth Workstation with a press of a button!
Mandolins & Mandolin New rich sounds with "DELAY" syncronized to the temp of style/Midifiles
I'm really, but really enjoying my AJAMSONIC upgrade!!!
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#355174 - 11/22/12 10:25 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi everyone, Some important additional Audya info. I did not have my facts completely right. She can do more than initially anticipated. I use "STYLE MODELLING" a LOT!!! It is awesome what can be achieved by it & it is a breeze to accomplish, even on the fly. When done, save either as a new style or simply as a new registry. I prefer the last. However, the choice is yours. Keep well all my friends, Henni ...The Arps and Licks are to be used in the styles only. With the AJAMSONIC package, the Arps can also be played as lead voices as is the case with regular workstation synths!
When you select a style that you like and want to make modifications to it by adding these, simply press STYLE VIEW which will display the style's components (Drums, Bass, Chords ... etc).
* Press F4 (Chord 4) quickly twice to toggle between the Midi chord part programmed within the style and the ARP&Lick table provided by Ketron which can be inserted in this style to replace the Midi part.
* Play the style and use the Data wheel to now go through the various ARP&Licks currently available.
* When satisfied with a selection, repeat for all the other ARRANGER PARTS (A-D), then press SAVE and save your new style (it will be saved under the same group - but in the USER STYLE folder, so when next you want to play this modified FACTORY style (or any style you load into the machine), press the USER STYLE button first! This preserves the FACTORY styles.
This and a lot more is clearly illustrated in our 3+Hrs DVD tutorial manual so you can see and hear how it's done and the effects it has on your over-all sound/music!
This (STYLE MODELLING) can also be applied to :-
* DRUMS (F1) - Midi, Factory AUDIO or USER AUDIO Drums * GROOVE (F2) - Midi Drum Kits, GROOVES or Percussion * BASS (F3) - BASS BANK or style's MIDI Bass * Chord 1 (F6) - PIANO BANK or style's MIDI part * Chord 2 (F7) - GUITAR BANK 1 or style's MIDI part * Chord 3 (F8) - GUITAR BANK 2 or style's MIDI part * Chord 4 (F9) - ARPS & LICKS BANK or style's MIDI part * Chord 5 (F10) - LIVE Guitar or style's MIDI part
Hope this helps...
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#355487 - 11/28/12 10:21 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
...what exactly does createsongstyles have to offer? do they have styles SPECIFICALLY created for Audya? i don't have time to tweak them ;-) Firstly, here's the link again: http://createsongstyles.com/Yes & no. There are many, many styles from other Ketron products that plays perfectly well as is on the Audya - they need NO tweaking. But there are also many styles from other products that have been converted. They play reasonably well on the Audya, but definitely needs some tweaking to play well. I'd estimate this to be half/half. You'll find close to if not more than 20 000 (yes, twenty thousand!) extra styles specifically for your Audya over there. Ron hosts styles for all brands of arrangers, not exclusively for the Audya. But that many are available for the Audya alone. The biggest bonus for those in the gigging business is that Ron uploads song specific styles on a daily basis with reference to the original song. They are Audya specific & needs no tweaking. You'll find the style, the registry file, the midi, the words & the link to the original song for almost each one of those. Gigging has never been made easier!!! If you are not registered, you can freely browse over there and see what's available. You will just not find the links to the downloads, that's all. One of the best sites for resources I've found to this date... Tip: If you sort your view to the number of uploads, you'll be able to download the Mega uploads first of all... Keep well all my friends, Henni

Make sure you'll fly forever!
#355567 - 11/29/12 10:35 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
hi Henni, i tried to download some of the styles on the create song style site..however when transferred to the audya, the DISK reads it as a corrupt file.. am i downloading the correct file e.g. I've downloaded the .PAT files. how did you get it to read on your audya. thanks Henni. Ky Hi Ky,
I did nothing special. I created another directory under the "User Styles" directory & called it "More Ketron styles". Next, I unzipped all those new styles, each group in it's own directory and then I copied all those directories under my new directory as per above.
To access these styles, I have to use the "Disk" function. They can only be accessed using the built in explorer and they should be accessed like you do with any other file using explorer. Just click on the style and it will become active.
The other way is to unzip those styles, copy each style (not with it's directory, but the style only) seperately under the various existing directories under your "user styles". You cannot sort by genre, as it would we impossible to know for all of them. But you can spread them evenly between those directories. In this way, you can access them in the normal way, using the "user" button for each style section. I initially did it this way, but it becomes all too messy too soon and later on it is hard to know which original styles originally belonged to each directory. If you choose this way, Ketron has a complete description on their Website on how to do this, however, I do not recommend this method. There are far too many new styles.
If I was you, I'd create a seperate directory and copy all your new directories in there. If you then later access a style via the "Disk" function & you edit it, you can always save in one of the normal original genre directories.
I hope you can understand the above my friend. All the best,
Make sure you'll fly forever!