Any entertainment is the same today. How many Brad Pitts, Matthew Perry's so on and so forth will make 200 movies, like Paul Newman, John Wayne and all the others that made movies for 50 or 60 years. The old audiences were not smoking as much pot and doing cocaine, meth so on and so forth.
The audiences of today have their brains fried and cannot concentrate long enough to follow a plot and figure out the ending. They only understanding action. People flying all over the screen and doing impossible feats with computer graphics is what I'm understanding. Audiences today get bored with entertainers very easily.
Can you imagine entertainment 20-30 years from today. Everybody doing rap. I wonder how many more curse words they will be able to create to keep the material fresh? Ha ha! Can you imagine how many 1 chord tunes there will be? How funny and sad!!!
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!