Managed to get limited internet connection in southern NC tonight, still have a long way to go, but should be in SC by tomorrow afternoon. The worst part about the trip so far has been the weather, which ranges from freezing cold at night to a bit warmer during the day. Tomorrow the weatherman is calling for a 50 percent chance of showers - not good. Might just end up staying at the marina/restaurant another day longer, and maybe, just maybe, play some music in trade for slip rent.
I was wondering why Carol seemed to sound so happy during the past week - thanks for taking care of her guys.
Deane, most of the time I have cellular connection, but there has been a three day period where I had none at all. Just depends on how close you are to civilization. A lot of the trip is through winding swamplands with a very, very narrow channel, often less than 100 feet wide.
One of the things you get to see is how millionaires live - the waterside homes are beyond belief.
Stay tuned,