Thing is, most arrangers don't have an independent volume control for the headphone outputs, so if you want to send a decently beefy signal from the main outs, the headphone outs are going to be pretty much up there (compared to line level). This is where, if you have a need for using the headphone outs AND the mains, one of those little attenuators is a handy dandy piece of kit to have in your cable case. Many boards (I know the big Bose's don't have an RCA attenuation knob, didn't know the Compact has it - about time, too!) have little control over the RCA outs and ins if any.
One of these can save your butt when all else fails. $10 well spent...
PS, I've also used these to attenuate RCA outs going to digital recorders that sometimes (H2, for instance) have no analog input attenuation. 1001 uses!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!