Originally posted by skude:
Agree with you, many of my friends think I'm very patient person, but what else can I do. This is what we say here on the west coast of Norway, and you know what this means
" når du har tatt fanden ombord, må du prøve å ro han i land"

Plans were to go over to the US at the end of next month, but something came up, and we have to wait some time. Plans were to bring the Audya with me, but insurance and airfreight is way too expencive. Already put too much money in this. If it wasn't for that I wanted to use the Audya in the US last summer I would have bought it from Gjøvik Musikk, I would have saved money doing that, and probably had a new one by now. Now everything is in the hands of Ketron Italy. They know what's going on, and I'm waiting for their answer. Still have hopes.
When you got it back into the USA what would you do with it, Frank would be permanently closed for Lunch. I couldn't sell mine on EBay, no takers, you would need to sell yours and state COUNT IN not included. No one in the UK is buying cars at the moment, VAT on the up next year, luxury goods and not high on people’s priority list and I can't imagine any professional buying an Audya to upgrade seeing the problems you have had. Ketron have not got the slightest intention of changing your KB their customer care is as dynamic as their upgrades. Dare I say it, Frank might open up for you and do a part exchange for a SEXY RED GROOVE, but could you hack it! How would that stack up with Norway customs it went out as silver and came back as Red, your having us on, now cough up!
[This message has been edited by Tony Hughes (edited 06-28-2010).]