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#354701 - 11/13/12 09:27 PM AJ & others, RAM_INS voice questions
Henni Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,

Please, I need answers to the following:

On my AJAMSONIC upgrade, can anyone tell me in which styles the following RAM voices are used:(*** indicates the ones that I really need accurate answers for as I've put new voices in those slots)

Arp_Chem-130 ***
Arp_Bright-130 ***
Brass Shake
Hard Rock
Organ Bars
Sax Tenor Up
Trumpet Up
X-More Hook ***
X-New Age
X-Trombone_Up ***

Then also, either the Ketron 2011 or Ketron 2012 upgrade added two new voices to be loaded into RAM on start-up. Which voices are these and in which styles are they used?

My dilemma is this - I do not have enough RAM to load more voices, so I've replaced some of these with voices of my choice to be loaded at start-up. I now have to go & fix all those styles with wrong or missing voices.

To do this manually, I have to pick every single style, go to style view mode & then inspect all intros, variations, fills, breaks & endings. This is a HUGE amount of work & a list would make this just so much easier to do...

I replaced i.e Hard Rock with another voice, but immediately noticed the poor performance in some of my new Rock styles. I had to put it back in the end.

If I do not receive an answer, I'll have to leave the original list as is and see if I can add maybe just another two lower resolution human choir voices right at the end (I think I can do so with my current memory limitations). It will not solve my issue for the missing 2011/2012 voices though... I can see that I'll eventually have to go for AJs sound board memory electronic modification upgrade - I'm already sorry for choosing not to do so when I ordered my upgrade. I'm currently loosing out big time!!!

Is there anything else (i.e user live guitars) that I need to load on start-up that's used by some styles, or will these load by itself when I call up that style?

Keep well all my friends,

Make sure you'll fly forever!

#354776 - 11/14/12 08:43 PM Re: AJ & others, RAM_INS voice questions [Re: Henni]
Henni Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Up... I need an answer on this one.
Make sure you'll fly forever!

#354778 - 11/15/12 12:28 AM Re: AJ & others, RAM_INS voice questions [Re: Henni]
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3588
Loc: Middletown, DE

I will try and see if I can get a list to you (it's a little tedious as some styles use 2-3 voices in the same CHORD but layered and it's the velocity switching which calls each sound ... e.g Chord 2 may show H_You_S but it's actually 2 voices:-
* Hey - [velocity low]
* You - [velocity high] ) ...

So chord 2 alone produces 2-3 voices which is why even though you only have 5 chords in each ARRANGER, technically you can produce 15 different sounds (triggered by low, medium and high velocity key stroke signals programmed with the style) ... Which is how we get articulation in say the new Nylon guitar or Alto sax!!

This neat 'trick' is better explained in the DVD manual ....
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#354780 - 11/15/12 12:41 AM Re: AJ & others, RAM_INS voice questions [Re: Ketron_AJ]
Henni Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Tx AJ,

I think it would be best for me to leave your loaded RAM voices unaltered and add two low resolution choir voices right at the end. Not worth you going through all the trouble.

I'll then go through all my registrations and re-voice all my Lower 1 & lower 2 choir voices & point them to the new memory locations.

Now I must just find out which two voices were loaded into RAM by the 2011/2012 Ketron upgrade & where they are used so that I can try to replace those with appropriate on-board voices.

Keep well my friend,

Make sure you'll fly forever!


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