Just to let everyone know that i received my trigger finger (left thumb) hand surgery yesterday and that everything went well. In addition to local anesthesia I underwent twilight sedation so didn't feel or remember a thing. Hospital sent me home with Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen for pain, but this morning I woke up feeling a bit nauseous, and because I'm not feeling much pain now, have decided to forgo the Hydrocodone and take Tylenol alone (if needed). So far, no pain pills needed. I'll be able to remove the bandage wrap in 5 days, and in 10 days doc wwill remove the stitches. I'm already able to move my left thumb with no clicking or pain. A couple of weeks prior to yesterday's surgery I started to sense a very slight clicking sensation in my other "right" thumb), so during yesterday's surgery (thankfully while I was asleep) , my doc injected it with cortisone to hopefully avoid needing surgery on that thumb too. Things are now looking good to be back playing and performing, including traditional 2 hand acoustic piano, by at least one week before Christmas arrives. I'm keeping both thumbs and fingers crossed. Thanks again for all the support you guys have given. - Scott

Here's a shot of the patient today: