Hi all,
So, I sometimes wonder whether all this new features are REALLY necessary, or is it i.e. just Yamaha's & others' way to ensure that their styles CANNOT accurately be reproduced for other types, because it CANNOT - Period!!!
Keep well all my friends,
Hi Henni
I have always rated the Roland styles as the highest out there, with the unique ability to sound musical no matter what you do to them, however If the manufacture creates voices that mimic exactly all the effects that Yamaha use in its Mega voice, using the manufactures own sound engine to produce the sounds, then they can be played directly.
NOTE: The sounds timbre will not sound exactly the same due to a different sound engine producing them, also the engineer’s interpretation of the voices will also play a role in how they sound, (This is why a Ketron Trumpet sounds different to a Roland Trumpet) but all the effects and features will match.