Originally posted by Tony Hughes:
Where do you live, please not Norway!!!
Actually Norway is a good place to live, well, except from the sky high price
we have to pay for Audya .....
Originally posted by sas123:
[B]sameone bay from Thomann? i want to order from there. is it safe to get from there and Send to another country
Thomann is most likely as good as any delaer to buy from, and to close a deal
is just as safe as buy elsewhere.
You also have 30 days money back guarantee if I understand the terms written
at the webpage correctly.
But as Tony point out, it's across the border and from another country and if
something don't work......
If you don't have any serviceminded dealer or representative near you, and if
your Audya start act like some of the items reported at this forum, you should
be prepared to ship your keyboard long distance to be repaired.