Is the OS that much different that John's resources wouldn't work on your PA600? If so, maybe someone can create PA600 resources similar to what John produced for the KMA and other PA's..although it took him years to reach that goal.
Would you have kept the KMA if John's resources were not available? Would you have kept the PA600 if they were compatible with the 600?
Hi guys,
As my name has been so prominently used here in your correspondence I feel I should be sharing my views here.
First of all let me say this. I am very pleased and grateful with the fact that Deane is so content with my Resources for the KMA. Scores of others around the globe have meanwhile gotten these resources and the general response is pretty similar, obviously subject to musical taste.
Which is the first reason you may like my resources more or a bit less. I am hitting 61 on Christmas Eve and have always had a predilection for MOR music. So if anyone say younger than 30 inquires about my KMA resources I warn them that although they will certainly be able to use some of them there is no House, Rap and even little contemporay Rock stuff.
Second is the time factor. I have mentioned this on previous occasions but it seems pretty obvious to me that programming results over a period of four years normally beat any efforts over a period of a few weeks or months, assuming the person can program. As such the success of my KMA resources is no surprise to me.
It also answers the question regards the new PA600 and even the PA3X which I owed for 10 days but did not hang on to.
When I bought the PA800 two years ago I set out with my previous hard work on the PA50 (KMA) as a starting point. Over a period of 18 months I created the PA800 Resources which were equally well received in general. But when I had the PA3X at home I found that virtually none of my hard work on all either models could be used and I would have to start from scratch again, which, also for chronic health reasons, I declined. ( I am glad I did in the end cause it allowed me to afford the PSR750 on top of my PA800).
The same applies of course to the new PA600. I am sure that potentially it can be programmed with outstanding results if you have the time ( and a bit of knowhow) to do so for say an hour a day for months and months ahead. Alas, very few feel the inclination or have the patience to do so.