Just making an observation here....Everyone is saying the same thing..There are limitations to every sound system...When you never exceed the max level for your venues...then you think there is no problem or limit...and this is ideal for you as a performer..
But we have to be careful to choose the system that will maximize the fulless level we are going to maintain..
Just as folks have pointed out correctly that a BA330 will not handle large or high volumes gigs...the same goes for all systems at some point..
Yes the Bose will work fine until you need to cover a "dance" floor...and before you argue otherweise..understand what a "dance" floor is..

We have high end Yorkville system..that without a sub woofer will not cover a "dance " floor..We have Podium 12" system that out performs the yorkvilles..and it will fall short to a high level dance crowd..
I am quite sure the new German system we have been discussing will not handle a real dance floor also..
QSC K series won't max out a dance floor either..without a sub woofer system.....
Reason...you need the bottom...you have to feel the bass, and the same story...you have to move air...
This brings me to the conclusion...I believe 15" will always reign over smaller systems...in fact with all the systems I have available...my first choice would be my Cube 15's...I may have to use 4 units but I know they would do the job ..at Dance floor gigs..
If the younger crowd don't feel the thump in the chest...your sound system isn't working....If you don't know what I am talking about...don't worry...you aren't playing dance music anyway..