#350303 - 09/04/12 03:29 AM
Re: Awesome at last!!!
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
Posted this over at the Ketron forum. However, I'd like to make this known to all.
I should have been an Audya salesman. I'm really not creating hype only. I've listened to most demos of all other new arrangers out there. The Audya surpasses them all.
Before I discovered the AJAMSONIC upgrade demo's, back in my mind I always wanted a Tyros 4 as well purely for those fantastic choir voices. Yes, I know many critisize those, but I have good use for them.
Now AJ offers the same & much more on his upgrade. I purchased some stuff from Ketron so I'm reluctant to spend more right now, but before this month is over I'll also purchase AJs full add-on. It will turn my Audya into something else & I'll no longer miss ANYTHING the Tyros 4 has to offer.
You know how it is with hype - it tends to go away after awhile. My satisfaction with the Audya grows on a daily basis.
Now I'm no special kind of musician, but what I get out of the Audya is stunning to say the least. Hopefully by this weekend I can make some recordings and post here to see if others share in my excitement and to see if it also sounds more real than the norm to them.
I cannot see how ANYONE can be disappointed with what the Audya offers - it's truly in a league of its own. I hope that some of the songs I'll post here can demonstrate that to the non believers. A Professional artist can make any arranger sound good. If I can do so with the Audya, then it MUST be outstanding.
And lastly, ANY arranger that accepts such a huge upgrade as the AJAMSONIC upgrade, has to be in a class of it's own. Something like this has been unheard of till now.
So just imagine what the limitations are if any. And on top of this, Ketron, although slow, has been known for their regular OS updates, most of those for free. No other arranger offers same!
I am well pleased with my choice & I've finally found the ULTIMATE arranger.
Keep well my friend,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#350492 - 09/06/12 01:30 AM
Re: Awesome at last!!!
[Re: tony mads usa]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all,
Found this somewhere. Even if the author should choose to fry me for doing so, I want to post over here. So here goes...
...and owned an Audya for nearly two years, playing it on the job nearly every night.
Yes, you are right about the lack of service available, BUT, I can think of very little else that Yamaha has that is as good as anything on the Audya, including sounds. One exception is that Yamaha has better factory OTS settings. You need to mostly do your own on Ketron. Audya does not have multipads, but similar settings are easily assignable to a system that uses assignable keys. In other words, you can pick a note and assign to it anything that is in a multipad, plus much more, including wav and/or midi playback.
The vocal processing is wonderful, the harmonizer is as good as anything I've heard, including dedicated third party models. The lead sounds are authentic instrument sounds. Yes, there is not as much processing done in the presets, but it is there if you want it. The key bed is WAY better than Yamaha. And, I've never heard of having to replace a strip under the keys on a Ketron. they are made of metal and built like a tank.
The drums and bass are like having live players in your band on stage with you. They make variations, if you want them to, in keeping with either key pressure or complexity of right-hand notes played.
There are LOTS of audio drums used in the styles, and have been for many years. (The PSR950 is the first Yamaha to have this, and only on 25 styles.) Also Audya has audio guitars in many styles. (Thus the name). You can use either the audio version or the midi version if you choose to do so, using the onboard style editor. You can do it in real time, while you are playing if you wish.
There are multiple fully assignable switches. There are dedicated hard sliders for each style part, without going into menus.
Audya has your choice of 76-note, 61-note and module configurations.
There are many more breaks and fills than even the Tyros line. In fact there is a choice of 4 break/fills for each style variation, not including the individual fills for pattern variations. You can assign the fills to key pressure if you wish, and you can assign vocal harmony variations to style variations if you wish. For example, maybe a single third above on var. 1, two voices on var. 2, a chorus on var. 3 and a special comedy sound on var. 4.
There are economical, light-weight 7 and 13 switch pedal controllers available. There are multiple assignable outputs in addition to the main outs. Some are splittable, giving the capability of 8 separate out puts for studio work.
The registration system (actually two systems) is far advanced from the Yamaha, and new registrations can be saved with a single button touch (not four separate save processes as necessary on Yamaha).
The start-up file saves EVERYTHING you want it to, including all vocal processing and harmonizer settings, all user preferences, etc.
It plays wav, MP3, and midi files of course, and they can be integrated as you wish with the styles. It has banks of audio loops and samples, also easily integrated with the styles.
Instead of requiring you buy a new model every year or so, they offer many free upgrades and many free additional styles.
These are only a few examples that come to mind of the cutting-edge technology that Audya offers.
Bad news is that Ketron is a small, independent Italian company that lacks sophistication in communications, marketing and customer service. They close totally for two months out of the year and during that time don't even answer the phone or emails. The US distributors are nice guys, but keyboards are not the mainstay of their business, rather more of a sideline. The US marketing system, and service system, is pretty much non-existent. I DO have AJ's cell number and he calls me back. But there is way too much for one guy to handle, in addition to his other personal projects and interests. Even though he is THE Ketron guy, it is not a full-time position, as far as I can tell!...
That's his opinion and he is well known and respected.
My friend, I hope you can forgive me for taking the liberty to post your stuff here. However, the Audya needs true exposure after all the negative hype and I intend to see to that.
Everywhere I send those poor quality demos of mine, I get "WOOOOooooooooowwwwwww"!!! without exception. When my friend heard it, he wanted his Audya back....Ha ha ha, joke of the year. As if I'll let go!!!
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#350590 - 09/07/12 04:56 AM
Re: Awesome at last!!!
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all, Found these Audya tutorial demos Just for starters, direct after viewing these videos I started playing with my "Guitar Interactive" (or something to that effect) setting under "style mode" menu. I changed that value from 100 to 60. Next I played a style, and to my utter astonishment the live guitar part started changing drastically (I mean drastically) depending on how hard I hit the chords with my left hand. I could create all sorts of guitar parts using my left hand only! (i.e. creating a single strum only every time I hit the chord!) AJ goes on to explain how the Audya would sound different if two people would play exactly the same song using the exact same same style, based solely on their individual style of playing it. The audio drums, bass & live guitar parts adapt and change according to the style used to play both the chords and the melody. There is NOTHING repetitive on the Audya, and this is what makes it so unique. The more I get to know this Audya, the more it THRILLS me. Yes, like one member said who used to play his: It's rather heavy. I feel this every time I get up with it on my lap, which is very often indeed. However, I'm not so young anymore, leaning more over to the sixties, & for me currently this is the most excersize I get, which is a GOOD thing. Everytime I play, I also "gym" a little.  Keep well all my friends, Henni
Make sure you'll fly forever!