Dave..less the mp3 feature on the Korg..Diki is right, the G70 is the friendliess board to use..with quick, easy to get to control...What you state about the PA3x is true, but the G70 gives you two additional parts available in all set ups...Access to all edits is much easier to get to on the G70 and touch control is better on the g70...the Korg is to small and crowded on the display...The combination of touch screen and buttons (also sliders) is un surpassed..on the G70.
If you like ..I can bring the G70 over and do a side by side

Also the harmonizer functions are a no brainer on the G70, much more versatile, and less work preparing for different functions...in fact there is no preparation needed..
All it will take is a hands on side by side...that you have avoided for years...

Most of my comments are in comparison to the PA800 I owned...but the PA3x still has most of the items I mentioned..
I haven't mentioned the superior use of effects on the Roland, again comparing to the PA800..Is there any major change on the PA3x?