Interesting hijack. I've always prided myself in my appearance, both on the job and off. On the job, especially during the cooler months, I ALWAYS wear a satin shirt, matching tie, silk vest, black slacks, highly polished shoes, clean shaven, good hair-cut, and yes, I really do dye my hair and mustache. Granted, I don't look like I'm 50 years old, and that's just fine. But, when people ask my age and I tell them I'm 72 they usually say you look much younger. Is it the hair and mustache? I doubt it. But, my overall appearance and attire seem to make a difference.
Down here in Paradise there are a lot of wannabe entertainers, have guitar will travel types, many of which seem to think that appearance doesn't count. They dress in ragged-assed jeans that often look like they just changed their car's oil and wiped the hands on the trousers, a tee-shirt with something really dumb printed on the back and front, work-boots, and of course, some really dumb-looking, straw, cowboy hat that a real cowboy wouldn't be caught dead wearing.
Then we have those that wear baggy shorts that look like they could have a friend in them as well, a scuzzy-looking shirt that appears to have been slept on for a couple days before wearing, and a baseball cap that for some reason the bill is off to one side or another.
Many of those in the above two categories don't seem to know which end of the razor blade to use, but they all have at least a half-dozen piercings. Yep, gotta have those ear rings, nose rings, lip rings, tongue thingies, and of course, every square inch of their exposed skin is covered with some sort of tattoo. Yes-sir - really classy looking entertainers.
Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned, but as long as I have been an entertainer I've adhered to the "dress your best for the occasion" policy. When I was playing the nite-club circuit in Baltimore's Little Italy I wore a tux every night. You would be amazed at the number entertainers in Baltimore that still think jeans, a tee shirt and sneakers is their entertainment attire. Then they wonder why they don't seem to get the number of jobs the well dressed entertainers get. Amazing.