Hi all,
Some good news for the new year...
http://www.ajamsonic.com/ is finally up and nearly completely functional.
They have also created a new Youtube channel just for AJAMSONIC items (AJAMSONIC) and thanks to the unique name, when you type this in Youtube's search engine, it's only their stuff that's being listed.
They undertook to periodically update more video and audio demos. Be sure to check it out from time to time for updates.
I've received many personal requests for more AJAMSONIC demos - well here's your chance now to find and review those for yourself.
In the meantime, feel free to post the links over here to any interesting videos you discover over there! Make the time to share with the rest of us mortals like I've shared with the rest of you...
This is the one thing I would like to educate this Ketron community -
SHARE!!! I've now set the example, hopefully more of you will follow.
Keep well all my friends,