Have not heard anything for awhile on your new PA600
No Update? Any News? How's It Going? Like It? Is It A Keeper? Better than the 12 year old Technics? Sold it To Donny? Took It Back?
Kidding...hope it's fun...that's #1 on the list
Larry ... (and all others who read this) ...

Unfortunately, I have not had a LOT of time to spend with the board, and the time spent so far was just 'exploring' ... but the biggest thing I have learned thus far is that this is absolutely NOT an 'out of the box and play' board ...
Donny has been helping me, but I am having some difficulty with the OS as it is SO different from the technics -
The technics has a LOT of dedicated buttons that make navigation, changes on the fly, etc. VERY easy ...
Another REALITY is that I am SO used to the technics after 12 years ...
I like a lot of the styles I've tried ...
At this point I am somewhat disappointed with some of the sounds, as they seem 'thin' compared to the technics ... but what I have to realize is that the technics is a TOTL kb which sold for around $3000
12 years ago and the KORG is 1/3 that price ...
I also am hopeful that with some guidance on 'sound editing' the sounds will be just fine ...
For the reasons I bought the KORG - budget/smaller footprint/lighter/second board - I am pretty sure it is a keeper ... but there is an adjustment when going from a TOTL kb - even one 12 years old - to a MOTL kb ...
And I'm certain that the 'fun' will come in time ...

Thanks for asking ...