so many responses...
I try to answer them ( not in sequence )

The disk-light starts flashing when the "blue bar on the bottom" reaches approximately the middle of the bootscreen. After 40 sec itīs off like normal. Playing styles itīs very seldom flashing, so in general I would say : Itīs like "normal behaviour"
The times :
3 sec : Boot-Screen on
25 sec: MainPage on
35 sec: "click"
45 sec: ready to use
My SSD is a
"SanDisk SDSDX-120G", 120 GB capacity, usable in Audya 80 GB.
The adaptor is a "Adapter Serial S-ATA SATA-HD to 2,5-inches-IDE 44-pin" ( I hope I translated it correct, I bought it in summer 2012 from amazon Germany, 12 ).
Iīm "only" a home-user, so no fears about a crash during a gig. But of course Iīve got the "original HD", changing needs max 10 Minutes

A german forum buddy has it working in his Audya76 since 3rd of october 2012, but with another SSD ( Mushkin 120GB ).
I didnīt feel any differences ( yes, I do : Itīs silent in my room

) until now.
Due to the f****** copy-"protection" it is NOT POSSIBLE to copy the "Ketron-Pendrive2011" and "UK-Styles" AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INSTALLED ONCE to the "original harddisk".
2011 stick shows : "wrong serial number", in fact thatīs not the complete truth... The serialnumber of my Audya has definetely not changed, but the one of my harddisk.
In the meantime I know, how the "copy prevention" on the sticks is working...

I also have an idea how it COULD work in the Audya, but due to the fact that I donīt need it ( because anything works fine, PenDrive 2011, 2012 and UK-Styles ) I wonīt waste time to find it out

BTW: Last year I copied the "2011 styles" from the "factory style" to my "user style" folder.
With the new SSD those copies were as well "protected", even though I installed the Pen2011 again and those files in the "factory" folder work fine...
If anyone has more questions he / she may ask them, but NOT to send a copy / image of my USB-stick !!! ( Itīs anyway a 4 GIGAbyte file
