The problem the Audya has, is that equivalent styles to what is contained on-board can be made with Midi using VSTi as their sound source, as well as giving the user the flexibility to edit and create new styles for their own purpose, thus it would have been more sensible if Ketron had created an arranger that came with these type of sounds as standard, rather than the limited versions of audio. (It’s this limitation that puts a lot of users off getting one)
In addition many of the other sounds on the instrument while good fall behind a lot of other manufactures factory sounds, which is another disincentive. (Styles on their own (No matter how good) are not much use as they are just too repetitive whether audio or Midi)
If the Audya does what you want then it’s great, however it is not universal therefore it cannot be the best, only one of.
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).