#351295 - 09/18/12 04:17 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
DanO, and a couple of others have asked about setting the mic an vocal harmonizer on the Audya. Not saying it is right or wrong, but here is what I have settled on. Main Mic: Level: 63 Compressor: Either Off or -18db 2:1 Limiter: Off E.Q.: 8 kHz +4 db 5 kHz +2 db 3 kHz +1 db 1.9 kHz 0 1.1 kHz -1 db All other frequencies: 0 Vibrato: Off Pitch Correction: Off Reverb: Church Reverb Mic Level: 50 (adjust under Menu, DSP, Reverb) Echo: User 1 consisting of these settings: Mono Echo 1 (adjust under Menu, DSP, Echo/Delay) Algo: 1 Level: 4 Time: 5 Feedback: 15 HPF: 7
Vocal Harmonizer settings: I generally use Duet, Country Up with these modifications: Volumes on 50, Pan to middle Equalizer: Low Cut, with these settings: 430 Hz: -1db, 265 Hz: -3db, 160 Hz: -7 db, 100 Hz: -14 db (this takes muddiness out of harmony voice) Vocal Harmonizer Effects settings: Effects Send: 15 Reverb Preset: Church Echo Preset: User 1 (same as for main) Lead: Off (This is important, unless you want the lead doubled.)
When necessary I have used some of the other VH presets with good results without additional editing. I have used these settings on Sennheiser 855 and AKG D5. Hope this helps!! Do your settings allow you to go directly into the Compacts sans mixer, T1 etc. Most complaints are that the Compact lacks mids, can you compensate for that with the keyboard settings? What are the display dimensions in inches (not resolution)? I use a mixer most of the time, but not because I'm missing any mids. Sometimes I have another person or two work with me, and sometimes I use my Roland E50 for small, quick jobs and on those occasions I need a mixer. I just leave it permanently in my setup.
I have the Bass boosted just a little on the Audya internal e.q., but the mixer is run flat.
I have heard of only one or two people talk about missing mids, and none of them are Bose owners as far as I know. I just don't hear anything missing.
I wouldn't be surprised if some people are using the old "V" e.q. curve that was necessary or at least desirable with the older sound gear. In that case they are boosting the lows and highs, and in effect lowering the volume of the mids.
At any rate, the e.q. is easily set and saved on the Audya. If you want more mids, just turn 'em up!
To answer your basic question, the mixer is certainly not necessary for me at all 90 percent of the time, when I play alone.
I could also use the second mic input and line input for a duo as well.
But I like to have the mixer along JUST IN CASE the Audya crashes. I could use my laptop for midi files and run it and the mics through the mixer and make it through the job if needed.
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#351296 - 09/18/12 04:17 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hello again Everyone. It's been a while since I've posted anything on SZ. I just wanted to say Hi and share a few things with you Audya owners.
I performed the Sound Upgrade on my Audya and I must say: I am Thrilled with the new sounds.
The upgrade went with out a hitch and even corrected the ROM error I had in KET 09 and my Audio out glitch's are all but gone.
The improvement and addition's in the Guitars, Sax's and Brass sections are simply AWESOME! As well as many other solo voices. The wait was well worth it!
For those of you that haven't found all the new styles included in the upgrade, here is a list of the new ones:
A SPECIAL THANK YOU, goes out to Frank for being such a GREAT Ketron Dealer.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU, goes out to Robert Messier for his contributions to Ketron and the help he has provided me.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU, goes out to Tony, Don, TWD and others on SZ who have provided me help, support and the sharing of ideas and discussions with my Audya.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU, goes out to Ketron who despite a few OS glitches has offered ( In MY Opinion, )the best and most AWESOME SOUNDING ARRANGER KEYBOARD ever built!
For those of you that own an Audya and have done the sound upgrade, I hope you are enjoying the " NEW STUFF" as much as I am.
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#351330 - 09/18/12 10:55 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
There has been some confussion on how to install the new OS 4.1 with the new USB pen drives provided by Ketron so here is a detailed step-by-step procedure to follow as it's pretty easy ...
1. On the front left corner of your AUDYA exist 2 USB slots. The USB slot you should insert your new USB pen drive into is the first from left (far left slot which is the master USB slot). Insert the USB pen drive into the first USB slot.
2. Turn on your Ketron AUDYA and wait for it to boot up completely.
3. If you have any ... * USER STYLES * USER PROGRAMS * REGISTRATIONS Now would be the time to back them up onto an external USB storage device as these files in the Hard Drive's designated folders will be over-written. You may insert a different USB stick into the 2nd USB slot (unless you want to create a new TEMP folder within the HD and back these files up into that folder). However, if you want your AUDYA to be as though it came from the Factory, then skip this back-up step and proceed below to point #4.
4. Press the DISK button on your AUDYA. Audya will display (by default) contents of the Hard Drive C:Internal (associated with the U1/5 tab).
5. Press the U2/7 tab to access the contents of your USB pen drive (D:REMOV).
6. Press the DISK MENU (U5/10) to access the various disk functions.
7. Press the "V" data cursor button or turn the data wheel to hightlight the file "AUDYA41B.MEM and press ENTER to select it (a blue dot is displayed to the right of the file).
8. Press COPY (F1) to activate the COPY operation. AUDYA will now go back and display both the C and D drives, asking you to select where you want to copy the selected file to.
9. Use the "V" cursor button or data wheel to highlight C:Local and press ENTER to display it's contents. You will now be at the root directlry of AUDYA's Hard Drive.
10. Press EXECUTE (U5/10) to copy the new OS file selected from the USB pen Drive into the AUDYA's Hard Drive.
11. When done, press DISK to get out of the DISK menu.
12. Press the DISK button again to access the DISK MENU (rather than pressing EXIT several times to get to this screen).
13. Press the "V" data button or use the Data wheel to scroll down and highlight the old OS file (e.g AUDYA40a.mem, AUDYA41a.mem ... etc).
14. Press the DISK MENU (U5/10) to access the disk functions once more.
15. Press ENTER to select the old OS file that was just highlighted (your goal is to delete this file). A blue dot is displayed to the left of the selected file's name.
16. Press DELETE (F2) to activate the DELETE function.
17. Press EXECUTE (U5/10)to DELETE the selected file. There should only be one *.mem file in your Audya's root directory!
18. Turn OFF your AUDYA. The goal is to reload this new OS which has functions built in that will automatically copy the new files from your USB pen drive into the appropriate folders within the AUDYA's Hard Drive and hence less room for errors!
19. Load the new AUDYA OS by pressing and holding down F10 and Unplugged while turning on your AUDYA. Release when you see the white BIOS screen.
20. AUDYA will automatically load the new OS file. Preset buttons will be turned on sequencially as OS loads. DO NOTHING and DO NOT POWER OFF (keep kids away)! When the new OS loads completely, AUDYA will automatically reboot!
21. When AUDYA turns on, new OS 4.1 should be displayed during the boot sequence at the bottom right side of screen. If not, STOP (when completely powered on) and repeat proccess above as you missed a step!!
22. When AUDYA is powered on and ready to be played (default screen showing style and sound), press the DISK button once more to access the disk drives. By default, the contents of the internal drive (C) will be displayed.
23. Press the D:REMOV (U2/7) to access the contents of the USB pen drive.
24. Press "V" data button or use the Data wheel to select the first file "00KTNinstall00" and press ENTER to beging installing the new Sounds, Styles, settings, Wave Tables, Live Guitars, Programs, Presets, ... etc.
DO NOT INTERUPT THIS PROCESS FOR WHATEVER REASON. Take a break, go to the movies, do whatever you need to do for the next 3.5hrs, as your AUDYA will be busy being 'born again'!
25. When complete, AUDYA will return to normal operation. Turn your AUDYA off.
26. After 2 minutes, you may turn your AUDYA on again and proceed to use as before.
KETRON AUDYA 5 and AUDYA 4(and AUDYA's which display 4.1b or later when turned on) users:- do NOT install USB Pen drive files as you already have these pre-installed from KETRON!
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#351331 - 09/18/12 10:56 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
A lot of what you mention below are 'user error' and not bugs. Here are some answers for you ...
-in piano mode if you playing harder you can activated drums in aranger section >>>AJ: This is because in STYLE MODE your AFTER FILL (F7) is on. AFTER FILL means you activate the fill in by pressing harder on the keys, regardless of Piano mode on or off. Turn this feature off and save in Custum set up if you do not want to repeat this each time your machine is turned on.
- Voicetron wont work ewerytime when you nead >>>AJ: Depends on setting (if using REGISTRATIONS - it needs to be on before you save the REGISTER). As of OS 3.0, new edit access to voicetron was implimented - Press and hold down VOCALIZER for 2 seconds to access vocalizer settings. Select (using F1-F10) vocal settin you want. Press EDIT to assign vocalizer response to left or right hand or full piano - then SAVE vocal setting.
-voice in Low.2 is set to 20 in moust cases but is louder then Bass who is set to 40 >>>AJ:- Depends on the voice you are using. Not all voices have the same attack level and this could be true. Bass is usually warmer than say Piano!
-Kayboard cant memorise Solo voice muting in midi file >>>AJ: This is not a bugg. Mutting Solo voices is considered a LIVE action, one that is carried out as you play the midifile. If you want to do away with the voice completely, bring down it's cooresponding volume to "0" and save as a new Midifile or overwrite the old one if you want this change to be permanent.
-Kayboard cant comunicate with Computer.You cant see or transfer files from PC >>>AJ: Go to MENU - MIDI - UTILITY and make sure USB MIDI (F6) is OFF. The USB port on the back of the keyboard can be used EITHER for data transfer (off) or midi communication (on) [in place of the MIDI in/out jacks], but NOT for both at the same time!
-To much Effect(Reverb) on some Live drums >>>AJ: You can remove/reduce the effects on DRUMS by going into STYLE VIEW - LIVE DRUMS (F1) and pressing EFFECTS (U2) and adjust or eliminate all together as the original audio drums are recorded without effects.
-if you call Midi file from mine scren on right site you can see list of your midis.After end of first Midi playing that list is desapire and you can see only blank right site of scren >>>AJ: Make sure LYRICS (F10) has not been pressed. If you press this, the right side goes black in preparation to disply the lyrics (if available) of the midifile.
-cant coppy style parts >>>AJ: Download lates OS 4.1b or that found in the USB stick with the new Sounds as this future is available in these!
>>>AJ: Program Voices shown with 2-3 voices (e.g Piano & Strings). Maybe we should have found a better way to label this voice as it gives the impression that both voices are heard through out the entire range, but this is not true. This is set for PIANIST MODE which allows you to play a lead Piano voice on the right and both on the left. If you go into PROGRAM and check out the other voices there, many (especially those with bass) have this feature, together with the Morphing, Steel bend ... etc where voices are heard at different ranges of the keyboard or when the keyboard is played with a certain velocity or ... etc!
RE-INSTALLING SOFTWARE: You must go into your AUDYA's Hard Drive and delete the Audya401.mem (or any *.mem) file found in the root directory. Then copy the *.mem file from your USB key into the AUDYA's hard drive (root directory) to replace that which you just removed. Power off your AUDYA and press and hold down F10 and UNPLUGGED as you turn it on, and do not release these buttons until you see the AUDYA white screen with update status! During update, make sure you do not power off the keyboard. AUDYA will reset automatically once update is completed!
Hope this helps you and others who might have been experierencing similar issues!
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#351332 - 09/18/12 10:56 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
how i record live guitar i meen i need only record comp of achord "C"OR i need all the chords like Bb c#7 Am We cannot make new user guitars ....... The answer in ketron about this, the answered is that: is impossible this ....... And my question also they was: Why is named him therefore USER AUDIO GUITARS? .....
And they answered me: Because they are, loading by the user ....... My friend Dusan..... The user audio guitars can load in RAM.... In User Audio Guitars folder (in disc of Audya) have a few new Live guitars riffs.... It you can (with ENTER) load in RAM and in Chord 5 you can put in any styles..... The preset Live Guitar riffs, it is put in PCM ROM.... But i think the User Audio Drums work very good...... What is your question??? Dusan... I did not understand well what precisely you want, however the process for User Audio Drums has as following… STEP_1: You need loops for all elements of Style (Variations, Fills, Breaks, Intros, Endings)
STEP_2: You need in any Variations up 16 Bars, in Fills & Breaks 1 Bar, Intro 1 3 or 4 Bars, Intro 2 4 or 5, Intro 3 up 16 Bar and Endings same with Intros..
STEP_3: The name of any loop need the names, for example: BOSSA_ARRA@130.WAV -> VARIATION_1 BOSSA_ARRB@130.WAV -> VARIATION_2 BOSA_FILA@130.WAV -> FILL_1 etc....
STEP_4: Copy your loops in USER AUDIO DRUMS folder in disc of Audya
STEP_5: now you can, select loops from STYLE VIEW Drums 1 and you will press continuously F1 until is presented the clue User Audio Drums, and from there you might put the loops where you want ...... The other choice they is to open Patern Edit <with EDIT buton> and from there you make a new style, with the User Audio Drums.
In your other question now, I say to you that I have not dealt with Balkanian styles ..... However if I have certain examples (Mp3, names etc) I am sure that I can make new styles ...... Thanks...
Make sure you'll fly forever!