I'm pretty sure that if the BK-9 does well, we'll be seeing a TOTL version fairly soon. Roland are simply testing the waters.

As to the iPad requirement, actually, the iPad apps do little but duplicate some of the front panel functions, and help organize and call up Performance Lists. Don't get confused about it being a substitute for a full color touchscreen. You cannot fully edit the BK-9 from it (or at least, the BK's that it is currently written for) as it uses MIDI to select functions. Full and detailed menu navigation is NOT a MIDI function.

A small color monitor to display lyrics can be had for WELL under $100 (as low as $50 or less, if you shop around) so the need for the iPad is entirely optional.

Very little that is buried in sub-menus is available to the iPad apps.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!