Phantom... any hints as to the update (or is that simply more iPad apps)? far as I can understand it will be both...
There's a few things I would KILL for on the BK-9...
The return of the Mark/Jump capability for SMF's, and the return of the Dynamic Arranger feature.
Throw in the return of the Cover Tools feature, and the ability to Link a .CSQ chord sequence to a Performance and I am one happy camper.
I hear various requests about some of these features in different fora...probably some of them in the next releases will be introduced...
maybe asking them in civil manner can increase possibilities!
also contacting directly Roland US could be a possibility.
Odd (or maybe not so, considering it's Roland!) however that 3 out of 4 things that I would like are things Roland USED to have and dropped. Who on earth at Roland makes these stupid decisions? Do the even PLAY an arranger? I doubt it!
I think that as in all companies people change in R&D department, so sometimes specific features seem to be not so still important and are left out...
and probably it is not true!