Originally Posted By: Mark79100
Diki.......I'm wondering how you do it? You spend more time being "argumentative" and "being right" and "getting the last word in" .........and you spend time working with REAL musicians........and time reading and learning about every musical instrument or playing situation on the planet......and yet you find time to eat, sleep, and, I assume, brush your teeth every night.

Could you please share with us how you economize your time?

Have you ever considered spending the time you did posting in this thread alone being..."difficult"...taking that time to practice music instead? Perhaps then you could join the ranks of the rest of us OMB's and work a machine like the rest of us and not have to play with REAL musicians anymore?

Also I'm wondering if that is really you that types so well or do you have a ghost-writer?

LOL... sorry that you didn't get the response to your original question to be the one you wanted. Must be a disappointment. Live with it.

To answer your utterly rude and nasty points one by one...

How do I economize my time? By not worrying about what polka fans and insecure OMB's think of me.

Spent 50 years of my life practicing. Figure I've got enough time to answer some ridiculous questions about inane topics without it hurting my employability.

Not being an utter idiot seems to work fairly well in allowing me to express myself without punctuation and grammatical errors (a good spell checker never hurts, too!). Maybe you could devote some of your practice time away from the machine to that skill? Or do you need it all?

An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!