Hi guys
Just about to move over from Yamaha arrangers to the Korg Microarranger as my portable keyboard for playing in our church. Until now I have recorded a collection of backing songs on the Yamaha (midifiles) and then used registrations each mass to choose the appropriate song, right hand voices, transpose/levels etc.
From what I can see (studying the manual for the Korg MA) things will be a bit different. I assume the 'performances' of the Korg will take care of quickly setting up my right hand voices, transpose settings, levels etc.. but won't allow me to choose a song from the SD card (unlike the yamaha). So will I need to put my selection of backing songs (midis) in a folder on the SD card, choose each one and then select an appropriate performance memory? Or can I store the right hand voice info etc in the song file? Or is there a better way to do this?
Thanks everyone in advance.