there are 2 types of "Audio Guitars"
1 is in ROM, the other in RAM
the ones in RAM are midi+audio slices, which nobody knows how to do except Italy, AJ, and maybe Sokratis
the others are in ROM, actual AUDIO, like Audio Drums, BUT
they are proprietary and you need special format
i want to record and add NEW guitars and add them to Audya, like you would add Audio Drums
i have begged Italy for this.
they have not even responded
and AJ who is Ketron USA in my eyes as far as support
does not have the software to do this, add pure audio guitars into ROM
i am willing to pay $200 just for this special software, for the ability to add guitars like we add drums, .wav files, which then convert to the special extension
Edited by leezone (07/11/13 08:03 AM)