I recently purchased a KN 7000 from someone in the US. The person lied to me about the condition of the keyboard. I don't really care about the cosmetic damage, but more the internal damage. When you play chords, they will play from one scale while your instruments will play from another scale. I have tried everything and nothing is working. I've initialized the entire keyboard, played around with the transpose buttons, and nothing works. The tuning is set to 440hz. Does anyone know what I can do? Or does anyone know someone who can repair this keyboard? The KN 7000 was my favorite keyboard growing up and I'd hate to have to throw it out. I contacted so many music stores and they no longer service this keyboard. Panasonic won't even acknowledge that they made this keyboard!!
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
How do you play the chords? There are settings for Basic, Fingered, and Pianist. See page 52 of the manual. If you didn't get a manual, there is one on this web site as well as Bill Norrie's site.
Hi everyone. my KN7000 has a fault! Everything on the keyboard works but no sound is heard. No sound from headphones. I have tried setting back to factory settings but no sound at all.no sound from line out. I think it is the amplifier's. anyone had this fault? I would welcome any help. Regards. Joe Baron.
Hi Rog. good to hear from you, it has been quite a while! The line out is on the back of the KN7000 next to the line in. I have been off line for a long time due to heart problems. I have had BY-PASS surgery twice so I have not felt the need to use my computer or KN7000.I hope to get the urge again soon. Keep well Rog. Regards. Joe
Cheers Joe - great to hear from you and hope you keep well... Somewhere on this site someone else a while ago explained the same problem you have and the ultimate solution...with a bit of a search you might find it...I'm sure it was one of our antipodean friends...
Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Hi Joe,
Good to see you posting again and I hope you are fully recovered after your health problems.
From your description of the 'fault' it sounds to me like the Monitor settings are incorrectly set....
Go to PROGRAM MENUS > SOUND > MONITOR SETTINGS and check that the option is set to 'ON'. If this option is set to 'OFF' then the internal speakers and the Headphone output will be disabled, but the LINE OUTPUTS for connection to an external Amp, will still be active.....
Hello Bill. As always good advice. I have put the KN7000 in for repair but I know the engineer is away for two weeks so I will contact Rimmers who are seeing to the problem and point out your comments. I still play the CD,s you sent me! I know some of the arrangements having played them in the big band days, you have put a lot of work into the CD,s well done Bill. Kind regards. Joe.
Hi Bill. Just spoke to Rimmers and they tried your comments. They agreed with you and were kind enough to try, but the line out did not work. IN the past I had a situation where the sound was not playing from the right speaker, it was in fact a fuse that had blown. Had it been my lovely KN2000 I could have sorted it myself but the KN7000 is too much of a job to strip down so I had to seek help. Regards. Joe.
Registered: 05/16/06
Posts: 343
Loc: Bilston , West Midlands,Englan...
Hi folks and JOE!!!,yes the problem sounds like the problem I had, yes Joe I have sent you a private message and for the rest of you,please refer to the item called"KN7000 lost it's voice" http://www.synthzone.com/forum/ubbthread...ioce#Post365841
Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6484
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Joe, whenever you receive a PM on the forum there will be a red icon at the top of the forum pages next to "My Stuff". That is assuming you have logged in.
That means you have a new message in My Stuff -> Messages
I play the chords using the 'finger' mode. The keyboard is really out of tune! Both pitch bend wheel and modulation do not work at all. All the sounds played on the right side are on a different scale than the chords being played on the left. Can you offer any suggestions please?
Does anyone know anywhere that will repair the kn 7000? Panasonic reps don't even know that this keyboard ever existed. I've called a dozen music stores and nobody services these keyboards. I really want a functioning keyboard and will do anything to get my kn 7000 to work properly. Someone please help!
'Both pitch bend wheel and modulation do not work at all' Paradise says - that tells me that that is the reason why the left hand is out of key with the right hand...the machine has been dropped and what those wheels affect are broken...replacements are available. Rog
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Paradise19, are you in the USA?
Set the split point to the far left hand "C" and see if all the keys are in tune now. (you will not have APC unless you are in the pianist mode for this test)
My guess is that the pitch bend wheel pot or circuitry is bad which may or may not have been caused by a shock such as dropping. There would be obvious damage to the case if it had been hit that hard.
There is excellent service available in Florida . . .
Hi John. I know what you mean now regarding private messages. I thought you meant emails. I now Know, Nigel posted to me. Keep well John, that was good advice you gave me. I thank all others who helped. Regards' Joe.
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Paradise, the symptom acts like the pitch bend is locked to one extreme so that the right hand voices are moved up or down from the tuning center. Disconnecting the pitch bend may not work. The connection needs to be at the center point of the pitch bend variable resistance.
If the above assumption is correct, and if you move the split point all the way to the bottom C, and if you keep the APC setting at basic or fingered, the keys should be in tune across the board but with no rhythm. Selecting the pianist mode would result in the same symptom you are now seeing if APC is on.
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Paraduse, about 15 years or so ago the most popular Technics forum was hosted by Technics Music Canada. They were a division of Great West Music in Canada. That forum eventually was closed and some of us moved to Synthzone while others moved to Technote in England. Eventually the whole group moved to Synthzone. There was a fellow named Serge at Technics Music Canada with extensive knowledge of Technics products. I can't remember his last name. If Great West Music still exists, you may be able to find someone there that can steer you to a service facility in Canada.
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Not sure if this will help, but I found Serge's last name in some of my old KN5000 files. It was Serge Dugas at Technics Music Canada.
One thought came to mind. If the pitch bend wheel has not been used much, it is possible for the center slider to not make good contact. Moving the wheel up and down for a while may improve the contact and make things work properly.
Bob, I'll re-open the keyboard casing and reconnect the pitch bend wheel, although I don't think it will do anything. When the pitch bend wheel was connected, none of the sounds would correspond to it accordingly.
I just tried setting the split point to the bottom C (C1) and I kept the APC setting at fingered but there is a rhythm. In fact, you can even play chords up until the bottom E. So I'm wondering why there is a rhythm despite doing all you said.
I think I just need a new main board. I don't know where to find one for the KN 7000. A friend of mine in the UK says Panasonic still repairs and replaces and the main boards, but it would cost me a lot to send the board there and have it replaced and shipped back.
Bob, I got a hold of Serge. It wasn't that hard to find him. He just replied and said he hasn't touched a KN 7000 since 2001 and doesn't know if I could get a new board or not. He suggested to keep checking out forums for help.
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Paradise, you said: "I just tried setting the split point to the bottom C (C1) and I kept the APC setting at fingered but there is a rhythm. In fact, you can even play chords up until the bottom E. So I'm wondering why there is a rhythm despite doing all you said."
It's not that important but if you have the split point at the bottom C on the keyboard I don't understand how you can play chords to the left of that point . . . Leave the APC on but don't start the rhythm for the test. The objective is to be sure all keys are in pitch across the keyboard. They should be with the split point at the left bottom.
In the normal centered position of the pitch bend wheel, all notes played are in pitch. If there is a failure of the variable resistance of the pitch bend assembly, the keyboard will think that the wheel is all the way up or down depending on the failure. In that case, the right hand voices will be shifted above or below the tuning center while the APC voices will stay in pitch. This sounds like what you are describing. Although this could be caused by the main board, I would first concentrate on the pitch bend assembly. Any competent technician can check the assembly with little effort.
“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music.” Quote from Shakespeare. Joe
I live about a 5 hour drive from Montreal. I would consider driving there if someone could help me fix my keyboard. Can you please give me the info for the person who might be able to help me out with my KN 7000 problem? Thanks!
Sorry, I should have been more clear. Nothing plays on the left of the lowest C. Everything on the right does. I will try what you said again when I get home later on and keep you posted. And I totally agree with you that I should have the pitch bend wheel looked at first. It may save me a lot of money from having to order replacement main board! Thanks!!
Just read your last message Paradise and although you may have solved your problem by now I only wanted to say that there are NOT any more keys to the left of the lowest C thus it cannot be the case and I quote 'nothing plays to the left of the lowest C'. Be interesting if you brought us up to date - best wishes. Rog
Registered: 05/15/08
Posts: 272
Loc: United States
Sheeeeeeeeesh!!!! Is this a crazy post or what!!! First it is Paradise and then it is Joe Baron and then Paradise and then Joe Baron. Reading the post, I wondered if I had too many wines. No wonder everyone is out of tune. ha, ha, ha, ha.