Shux ... you guyzzzzzzzzzz.

Hey Mike - try the VoiceLiveTouch2 - it's pretty amazing, although I have to admit - after the third consecutive night using the 900s internal only ... I'm finding that"happy place" - I have, however rethought my approach to harmony, since using the built in unit. I use more 1,2 and 3 voice combos now, instead of my 2,3 and 4 voice choices. Having the dedicated velel knob right on the KB is SUCH a great tool for on the spot blending ... as I get more comfy, I'm sure tweaks will become less neccisary, but there is always that moment when .... it just needs a little sumthin', and you have to be ready to do it fast. The 900 (as well as the 3x) gives my instant control of all the important stuf I may choose to change on the fly at any given moment. I'll post a list of these handy shortcuts soon, but here's the Readers Digest version:
1) Vocal effects knob always active - no menu search to go dry for talking - grab, turn, done
2) Chord sequencer - every now and then I record a small sequence of chords in cas I need to do something that requires more concentration - I hit the play button, and I can start putting out fires while the rhythm of the song continues on auto pilot.
3) Vocal harmony level knob always active too - instant blend
4) 3 assignable buttons SO CONVENIENT! Mine are set to 1-manual bass(Lower sound) 2-auto bass OFF 3-auto accpt tracks 1 thru 5 OFF
This allows me to jump in and out of different styles of play within a song - I can hit the manual bass for a unique intro and pop on the arranger to start the tune - I often leave the tracks 1-5 OFF for the 1st chorus of a song so I have more room to build. I LOVE that thinned out sound. Gives my Rhodes chord sounds more room to breath in the RH.
5) EASY, fast access to the mic EQ controls - such a pleasure to make quick adjustments as the room changes. During set 3 tonight, I had to add some mid-range to compensate for dynamic changes to the room when more people came in. HINT: touch the freq range you need to adjust and then, DONT LOOK AT THE DIL - just turn it till it SOUNDS right. Sometimes, we EQ with our eyes, instead of our ears. Bad habit. It's stuff like that, that makes or breaks a performance. Stay fresh and exciting all night ... no matter what the environment throws at ya. Physics is an evil mistress, and she don't care how she makes you crazy!
More later - it's late and school starts for me tomorrow morning!