Hi Deane
At the risk of being accused of being a Korg man, which incidentally is not correct, I am not impressed. A bit hard to make comparisons though I would advise anyone listening here to listen to your gig with the PA900 about six weeks ago, even bearing in mind you had only had the darn thing for two weeks.
If I may, it is to be found here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZc6snr38yg&feature=youtu.beI don't know if the way of recording was any different but on aggregate the Korg sounds better to me in particular in the style department. Some of the Roland RH voices like the saxophone are priceless however, they were already superb in the G70 way back when. Although Roland is good in the swing/bigband department I stil am not impressed by their overall styling.
I played the Yamaha piano DXG 650 yesterday and despite it not being a gig keyboard and bearing in mind its incredibly low price I was much more impressed by the readymade registrations on this keyboard.I am every so much in doubt whether or not to trade my PSR750 for this piano, with 160 styles on board.
I am still hoping one day to see you do a video with the KMA and PSR950 linked, it is on my Xmas list so to speak
