#373235 - 10/21/13 09:30 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 1314
Loc: london,ontario.canada
Dave,I totally agree with you on this.Although I wouldn't call them liberal.I have a different word for them but it's not for this forum. The way music goes these days is you can only sell these kind of songs in this way.I do like talk about stuff,but usually on tv now days everything is blown out of proportion.Everything is a big deal.Did we see a boob on a superbowl,or someone said the "F" word,or is Miley just one of those.......At least kids don't have to go to xxx cites.
It is all fake morality.
I think the media is still a good thing.It's the people that are rotten.Media is just another religion.Bible and Ko'ran are beautiful books.But sometimes when mixed with right dose of wrong people are biggest source of evil that can be.
#373244 - 10/21/13 11:46 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
Every major news source we have outside of PBS is owned by vast, huge corporations. And these do NOT have a 'liberal' bias in their bone. You have been drinking the Fox Kool-Aid, my friend.
Huge corporations have decided, by extremely careful market research, that sex sells, sensationalism sells, fear sells, divisiveness sells. And if there is ONE thing that drives a huge corporation, it is sales. Social consciousness comes an extremely far second (if that!) to sales.
Thing is, think Elvis. Think the Stones. Same tactics, different generations. The way to get young people to BUY a product is to ensure it will pi$$ off their elders. After all, what's the POINT of music if it doesn't do that? LOL
It is the job of the young to feel different from their parents. And it is the job of parents to be outraged at whatever the young like. You aren't any different. Both when you were young and now you are old (face it, my friends!). And it is the job of media corporations to facilitate that outrage. As it always has.
Think of the outrage and collective gasp of horror at Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring' which brought audiences to a near riot! Now realize you are merely perpetuating something that has gone on since log drums...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#373248 - 10/21/13 12:28 PM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Well, at least part of what Diki said is true. Having worked in the news media for the better part of 35 years, the corporations were ALL VERY LIBRAL BIASED! At least the ones I worked for, which was some of the largest in the world. Their motto was "If it bleeds it leads." They, like the TV media, feed upon things we or they have little or no control over. The weather is a classic example. "A massive cold front will pass through the region tonight, bringing with it cannonball size hail, torrential rain and dangerous lightning." Well sports fans, have you ever seen any safe lightning? And lets face it - there's not a damned thing you can do about the weather other than watch it take place. Sure, you can crawl into your 1960 underground bunker that your father spent the equivalent of the U.N. Banking fund to construct in the event of a nuclear attack. Or, you could do what the wonderful people in the Florida Keys do when there's eminent threat of a hurricane - open a keg of rum, a keg of beer, fire up the music and party hearty. What the Hell, there's nothing you can do to change the course of a hurricane so why not party? Same holds true with gutter language music targeting young audiences. Like the weather, it probably won't be around very long, at least we can only hope this is the case. The guys who promoted and produced it will likely have blown all their ill gotten monetary rewards on huge homes they can no longer afford and are in the process of being repossessed, or just blown their brains out because of the drugs they've consumed. Of course, if the later is the case, then there will be the public outcry contrived and heavily promoted by the liberal media that their lives should not have ended this way and what stalwart upright citizens they were when alive. At that point someone in the liberal biased media will put together an hour-long documentary program of how he or she should have been knighted by the Queen of England, or better yet, selected for sainthood. At the very least, Congress would declare a national holiday under their name, and someone would claim they should posthumously be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their contributions to mankind. Approximately 10 years after their death, a massive fund will be put in place by congress to construct a monument in their honor. Kinda like a hip-hop Graceland, where the walls are papered with profanity stickers, and drug and sex paraphernalia is suspended on gold chains from the ceilings. At the entrance there would be near-nude ladies with every visible body part pierced and completely covered with weird tattoos, provocatively dancing to ear-bleed volume as their music emits from 72-inch speakers concealed behind massive ceiling grids. Adds for this now national monument would be run every 15 seconds during the documentary and several times during the national newscasts. Of course, these would be no charge adds during the newscasts and listed as public service announcements, just like the weather forecast that warned us of the "dangerous lightning." The best thing I got out of this thread is Diki is obviously watching Fox news once in a while, and don't know jack about the news media, but would like everyone to believe he does. Uncle Dave is a pretty smart guy, Mirza is equally as inteligent, Donny has been watching too much bad TV (again) or cruising the Internet for some kinky adds. Cheers, Gary 
Edited by travlin'easy (10/21/13 12:38 PM)
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#373267 - 10/21/13 08:25 PM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Now that we're on the subject of cowboys... A cowboy walks into a bar and orders a whisky. When the bartender delivers the drink, the cowboy asks, "Where is everybody?" The bartender replies, "They've gone to the hanging." "Hanging? Who are they hanging?" "Brown Paper Pete," the bartender replied. "What kind of a name is that?" the cowboy asked. "Well," says the bartender. "He wears a brown paper hat, brown paper shirt, brown paper trousers and brown paper shoes." "How bizarre," said the cowboy. "What are they hanging him for?" "Rustling," said the bartender.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#373270 - 10/21/13 11:58 PM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 10/23/06
Posts: 1661
Loc: USA
I found this newspaper article that someone wrote in a stack of papers I found today in the next room. I read it and, at first, I thought, ho-hum, the same old drivel Then I looked at the date on it......August 4, 1991. I didn't realize they were talking about this phenomenon that long ago....20 years now. Hard to believe we've put up with this new music that long! article as follows.......remember it was written in 1991: What ever happened to music? What ever happened to the innocence of asking a girl to dance? What ever happened to the manners and the behavior that went along with the Terpsichore of yesterday? What ever happened to the compassion, love, tenderness and caring that went along with music? What ever happened to the lyrics? What ever happened to the art of dancing? What a joy it would be to see the fox trot, jitterbug, rumba, waltz and social dancing having a rebirth in this country. The nicety of dancing and good music is no longer a part of growing up. The first dance, the first dance dress and all the usual niceties associated with good music and dancing have disappeared from our way of life.
In its place, we have nothing. Gone are the niceties, manners and dancing of a bygone era. Today, we have a bunch of noise that is an affront to your senses. The lyrics are an abomination of filth and violence and without any redeeming value.
Surely, innocence, proper behavior, manners, compassion and tenderness are not part of music as we know it today. Dancing and music have disappeared, and in their place is a "group" jumping around without any form of sensibility and moving in relation to some noise that is called music.
Since the early `50s, music has deteriorated into the garbage that is called rap, heavy metal, etc. It is not music and cannot be called music. The music of today is a putrefaction and gangrenous assault on the senses.
As for myself, give me the music of Glenn Miller, where the lyrics of love, tenderness and compassion abide, where manners are wonderful, where my senses are not assaulted with violence, where hysteria is not needed, and the sharing of all of this with the woman of your life as you dance to "Maybe She'll Be There" or "Dream.”
#373349 - 10/23/13 10:45 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
If you stand on the far right, EVERYTHING seems 'liberal'!
All you need to do is compare Reagan's actions, and realize that, in today's political climate, he would be painted as a 'socialist' (if not outright communist!), and would have a hard time running even as a Democrat.
There's nothing I can see that would qualify as a 'liberal' bias to cover sensationalism. Quite the contrary, to be honest. If you take a look at PBS News, or things like the BBC News, independent of commercial considerations, you see FAR less coverage of ephemera designed to inflame and induce outrage. It is the commercial driven news sources that have always taken the 'sex sells' path. Something that eschews real news in favor of sensationalism can hardly be painted with a 'liberal' label... Capitalism at its purist seems far more the 'conservative' modus operandi, no?
And Don is right, IMO. There has been trash and pearls in any era. We merely have our failing memories to help us forget the worst of what passed for pop music during our younger years! 'Yummy, yummy yummy, I've got love in my tummy'? Please! And innuendo? 'My Ding-a-ling'...
'Nuff said!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#373404 - 10/24/13 05:54 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Diki]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
If you stand on the far right, EVERYTHING seems 'liberal'!
Don't be too hard on them, Diki. I heard Uncle Dave once ran for political office and came flat out against slavery.....in principle. One thing I've learned, having lived in various parts of the country. Compared to South Jersey/South Philly, Georgia is like a bastion of Liberalism. At least Southerners will let you know how they REALLY feel. What's sad is that a lot of these people work in areas where they are in a position to mold and shape the minds and attitudes of our children, thereby assuring that these biases and predjudices will be safely passed on to the next generation. This is why the world never seems to get any better. It's easy to see how the poorly educated, low-information populace can be mislead and manipulated by the likes of Rush, Sean, etc. (millionaire's all, by virtue by exploiting ignorance and peddling hatred), but to see educated, otherwise intelligent individuals, fall prey to the same drivel, is puzzling indeed. I was pleased to see Donny note that everyone has the right to choose to listen to something or 'turn it off' without impuning someone elses right to choose. I know that many of you long for the days of yesteryear when the Brady Bunch ruled the airways and America set the standard for decency (in our minds) for the entire world (despite segregation, suppression of Women's rights, and every other abuse society has managed to come up with through the years). Oh, and by the way, let's look at a sample of some music from that era. How about Cole Porter's 'Love for Sale', a jazz and Broadway standard covered by nearly every major artist since it was written in 1930. A sample of the lyrics - (by prostitute) "If you'd like to sample my wares, follow me and climb the stairs, I've got LOVE FOR SALE". One of my favorite tunes, btw, but then again, I'm one of those damn liberals. Like music from the 'good ol' days'? Listen to Billie Holiday's (or Nina Simone's) 'STRANGE FRUIT'. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#373536 - 10/25/13 05:38 PM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Uncle Dave]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
What in the world does this subject have to do with racism? I must have missed something. Just like the race card ... it won't ever go away if people keep talking about it. Don, I don't believe I was the one to introduce that. BTW, if you believe the above statement, then you probably believe that an ostrich won't get his ass kicked as long as he keeps his head in the sand. In any case, if it's ok for 'Uncle' Dave to launch an attack on Liberals and Liberalism (of which I am one) then it should be okay for me to defend it. Liberalism for me means equal opportunities in education and in the workplace, equal rights for all citizens, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, equal representation at the polls (as opposed to the recent conservative efforts at voter suppression), Women's right to choose their own health options, and yes, affordable health care for all it's citizens. So if Liberalism is so terrible, then yeah, I guess I'm a terrible person. Oh yeah, I also believe in evolution and that the world may be just a little older than 7000 years (or 10,000 depending on which crackpot you're listening to). Heck, some of Fran's equipment is older than that  . So Don, I'm not a ranting, raving liberal activist. I like, and try to help everyone I can and most of my volunteer activities and the charities I contribute to have absolutely nothing to do with race. Most have to do with my fellow veterans, especially the ones that have been wounded in the service of our country or suffering economically. Hope that answers your question. chas
Edited by cgiles (10/25/13 05:42 PM)
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#373541 - 10/25/13 09:25 PM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Don, you are certainly one of the people I most respect on this board, mainly for your intellect, your humor, and your sophistication. I must say that within your chosen genre', you're no slouch as a musician and entertainer either. But you're wrong about me having a chip on my shoulder. As a minority member of this little community, I admit that I may be a tad bit more sensitive to some of the asinine and insensitive things that come out of the mouths of some of our members. I have no problem with people disagreeing with some (or all - although that seems unrealistic) of the policies of the 'present administration' (the nice way of saying 'Obama'). Fact is, I too believe in fiscal responsibility, on both the personal and governmental level, and I am vehemently against even the concept of drone strikes. In my mind there is just no way to justify the killing of innocent women, children, and other non-combatants. There is no acceptable 'collateral damage' as far as I am concerned. But I'm sure you'll agree that the deep-seated hatred for our President in some quarters, goes far beyond these transgressions. Again, I didn't start the conversation on race or politics, just responded to it. There have been many non music related topics on this board. How it's perceived usually depends on who started it. As you yourself noted, you didn't even notice Dave's racial reference. Could it be because it was .....Dave? As some of you know, one of the guys I most like and admire here is Captain Russ. Aside from his obvious musical talent, he is one of the most generous, kind, and caring individuals you're likely to meet. But most importantly, he's not afraid to speak his mind or take a position, even if it's not the popular one. Furthermore, it's not just talk. If he believes in a cause (say Nursing Home Reform or housing for the homeless (ie. HH), he has and will, back it up with action and his wallet. You happen to be one of his favorite people here, and that's good enough for me since I think he's a pretty good judge of character (although he also likes me and Diki  ). Ok, now we can go back to talking about music. Did I tell you about my KeyB Mark III? No arranger functions but a killer organ sound. If you're ever up this way (ATL), stop by for a visit. I'm surrounded by golf courses. Lots of good quality Country music around here as well, in fact two of the guys I play (jazz) with play in one of the top Country/Southern Rock bands in Atlanta. Take care, chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#373550 - 10/26/13 12:06 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Sounds good Chas. I used to spend a lot of time in Atlanta, back when I had a "real" job in the 70s. We were headquartered in Arkansas and had an ad agency we used in Atlanta. The company, Murphy Oil, had a Grand Commander and a Jet Commander on which I must have ridden a million miles. Commercial service into rural Arkansas was pretty much limited to Texas International, and you took your life in your hands riding with them! BTW, I would vote for Condi Rice in an instant, but only if Ben Carson doesn't run.  Woops, no politics, sorry! As far as discrimination, by ancestors used to own this entire country, but it was stolen from us by people who "discovered" America after we had been here for many generations. Good news is we can own casinos now, but I can't figure out how to get one. DonM
#373558 - 10/26/13 06:37 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Darn Diki, sorry we couldn't get together. I wanted to get your first hand impression of the KeyB and how it stacked up against my Nord C2D. Both will plug right into my Leslie 3300. Don, a buddy of mine used to fly the Jet Commander for a local Cable company and I've flown 'right seat' with him a number of times (as required by the regs) when their usual part-timer couldn't make it (they only had one full-time pilot). Never flew the turboprop version although they're essentially the same airplane. I remember every landing feeling like a belly landing because it sat so low to the ground. Nice airplane though, with good short field capability. BTW, my grandmother was Native American so I should be able to get at least 1/4 of a casino  . As far as Condi Rice is concerned, I'll give her points for being a smart, articulate woman who likes football. However, It's difficult for me to understand her loyalties given the direction the Republican party has turned in terms of social ideology. But hey, at least you didn't say Herman Cain  . Did I mention that I own 3 arrangers, 5 if you count a couple of old ones back in my storeroom. I've always liked playing around with them, just wouldn't gig with one, nor do I consider them a legitimate instrument. That doesn't make me an arranger hater or an arranger player hater. It also doesn't mean that because you choose to use one professionally that you can't play a 'regular' instrument. In other words, I understand the economics of it (re OMB), it's just not for me. Much respect for those that are able to utilize one (along with their vocal talents) to make a good living (along with being musically satisfied). My personal choice is, has always been, will always be, a Hammond Organ/Leslie 122 or the closest I can come to it in a 'clonewheel'. After that, piano, although I'm not very good at it and could not hold down a solo gig with one. I HAVE, but the customers 'wuz robbed'  . chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#373567 - 10/26/13 08:55 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: cgiles]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
you didn't even notice Dave's racial reference. chas
I'm not trying to fan any fires here, and I have ALWAYS been 100% colorblind. My mention of the race card, is how it is often used with no need .... much like cursing in movies and songs. For example: The newscaster may broadcast "A White police officer was shot by a Hispanic teen this afternoon .... etc" THIS is where I get sick to my stomach. The news SHOULD have said : "a man was shot this afternoon ... etc". I think we have to stop SAYING the words that offend each other, so we might have a chance to forget that there are so many injustices that won't seem to ever get better. I do not joke about race, and I do not ever discriminate based on color or background. I DO, however take issue with stupidity, like in the case of some of the crap being spoon-fed to the public by the media. It just blows my mind, and saddens my heart that the N-word is still tossed around in almost every major HipHop release. "..er", "...ah" whatever - it's all the same, and it stinks. This is my only defense of my comment - those of you who know me, know that I love and respect all people for who they are, and I will not engage any further. My apologies if anyone took personal offense. That was never my intent. Back to keyboards ..... I'm having a ball with this 9000PRO - it's simple, elegant and built like a tank. It'll probably never leave the house, but I love having it in my rehearsal studio. Fits my style like a glove, now that I have the PA900 as my main axe.
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#373574 - 10/26/13 09:58 AM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
I had one for about six months, Dave - it was a real brute to lug around to the restaurants I played in Baltimore's Little Italy. Guess I'm getting old - that S-950 is about as heavy as I want to carry these days, and that's just putting it on the Rock and Roller Cart's top tier. Good Luck, Gary 
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#373770 - 10/29/13 02:03 PM
Re: This is how they promote NEW songs to kids...Dave.
[Re: Uncle Dave]
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
Dave and I kid each other about his "toothless "Kaintuck" redneck girlfriend (who doesn't exist)and how we hustled each other over some old worn out Rhodes (man, I'm glad I gave him the "dog" and kept the good one), but if there were anyone less likely to have to be convinced that that big "heart on his sleeve" teddy bear isn't one of the kindest, fairest of folks, and one ideal for working as a compassionate teacher, with a keen understanding of civil rights issues, it would be me.
And he would be the first to understand that Chas, as one of the few minority members here, is doing the right, noble thing to be sensitive to the insidious racial issues that, sadly are far to common, even today. The issues involved are at the core of the human condition. Chas always comments with incite, compassion and class.
Chas and Dave would get along famously, on the bandstand and off...IF THEY COULD JUST GET RID OF THAT LITTLE "PICKER AND GRINNER" FROM THE BOONDOCKS IN KENTUCKY!