Dave and I kid each other about his "toothless "Kaintuck" redneck girlfriend (who doesn't exist)and how we hustled each other over some old worn out Rhodes (man, I'm glad I gave him the "dog" and kept the good one), but if there were anyone less likely to have to be convinced that that big "heart on his sleeve" teddy bear isn't one of the kindest, fairest of folks, and one ideal for working as a compassionate teacher, with a keen understanding of civil rights issues, it would be me.
And he would be the first to understand that Chas, as one of the few minority members here, is doing the right, noble thing to be sensitive to the insidious racial issues that, sadly are far to common, even today. The issues involved are at the core of the human condition. Chas always comments with incite, compassion and class.
Chas and Dave would get along famously, on the bandstand and off...IF THEY COULD JUST GET RID OF THAT LITTLE "PICKER AND GRINNER" FROM THE BOONDOCKS IN KENTUCKY!