From Korg Forum
"Hi all
Just spent 30 mins today talking to my acquaintance who has recently attended a full demo of the T5 by Peter Baartmans and also spent some time playing it.
He says that it revolutionises arrangers.
The thing he seemed most blown away by was the new "Ensemble" humanisation feature and I have to admit that I was very impressed just hearing about it!!!
He said the OS was much the same.
It features live audio drum loops in styles.
It is definitely going to be offered in 3 packages:-
61-note with speakers
76-note with speakers.
He believes price for 61 (incl speakers) will be much the same as T4 and that the 76 version (without speakers) will be the same as 61 version.
There is no touch screen - Baartmans is alleged to have said that Yam gave this a lot of thought and were convinced that this screen is better in comparison to other recent Yam keyboards with touch screen..
Basic OS and button functionality is much the same (total negative for me)
The keyboard control surface layout is the same.
His opinion of PA3X (which he also has) is that it is way too complex in comparison and now site way behind the PA3X.
He believes that there is no comparison with T5 and PA3X - and says T5 is now so far advanced.
That's all I can tell you.
Expected to trickle through in December and 76 will be early next year.
Interesting but I am SO disappointed that they are sticking with the old OS and have not considered simple things like bass inversion and tempo lock.
It seems to me that Yam (T5) may have carried on where Audya left off....
Greetz Rico