Yes Ian my friend . I still have your recording . I wish I could upload your version on the synthzone. It was outstanding and was one of the many reasons I have lusted after the T4 and why I am glad you are still being inspired to make great music . I just wish we could all recognise that this is the unifying bond that exists between all us amateur and pro musicians . The love of music . Whatever instrument it is performed on .
By the way i am really excited as we have finally finished the production of "praise is what we do II " . I saw the complete product last night at our "world premier " ha ha . I am sending a copy to you personally . Ping me an email of your address and I will try and get it to you for Christmas .
It's pretty special even if I say so myself !
Hi Spalding...I sent you an email with my mailing address.
The Somewhere Over The Rainbow tune was actually just me trying out an edited style...I generally record something and then listen to it play back to hear if there are any glitches.
In that tune I used two of my favorite sounds, SA2 JazzSax and SA Jazz Clean guitar. It's amazing how expressive these SA instruments are with just normal play, but digging in and using the right technique with them makes a very big difference. Of course, the excellent ModernJazzBallad with it's cool variations I got from the CVP-509 styles sure helps...although it only uses drums, mega bass and mega guitar, it is pretty slick, and inspires me to play.
Man, this retirement is even better than I thought it would be...and, I'm never bored...I often wonder where I used to find the time to actually work.

I'll be looking forward to hearing the finished production.
Thanks for the offer to share it.
Oh yes, before I forget...did you use the Korg for much of the production?