Four men: Drums, B3 with bass pedals, Tenor Sax, and me on Guitar and lead vocals. The interplay between the Sax player and me at times was --- err, ELECTRIC, I have no better word. We experienced a feeling that we could not describe, and when it was over we just smiled wondering what happened.
I used to LOVE playing bass pedals, and ran mine through a big old Ampeg with two 15's. It certainly required a lot more concentration, especially when soloing, but there was a lot of personal satisfaction involved in pulling it off right.
My interplay involved the guitarist at the time (he's one of the guys I jam with now) and many times it felt like we had ESP going on.
There's no doubt about the magic created in a well suited and sorted group, and, I'm lucky to be able to still experience that to some degree today.
And yes, the one man band is a different category, but still very satisfying if you put the time in to make it work really well.