I consider all today's arranger (especially TOTL) as non-contemporary. Today we should have more. E.g. computer today can creatively render scores (see examples for classical music here:
And sure, computer can create accompaniment on-the-fly, not predescribed by "style creators". Here you can see project of Sony that devoted to understanding of style:
http://smac2013.renconmusic.org/results/. Here you can see results of this study in Reflexive VirtualBand accompaniment project (
http://francoispachet.fr/virtualband/virtualband.html -- videos with explanation). Examples you can see here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp8tixrPM1U for guitar with explanations and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVgXX1XkzNQ for keyboard. More available at
When I could buy true new generation (not new versions of outdated old generation with "enhanced samples") of autoarrangers? I want contemporary Smart Accompaniment Autoarranger, not 20 years old Dumb Player Autoarranger. It is boring have "better sound" only every year. Our smartphones have not only "better sounds" every year, I need same progress in autoarrangers. It is as if Yamaha, Roland, Korg and others TOTL arranger makers have only music studios and microphones, not laboratories and R&D departments. Show your style engine cleverness, not only sound engine sweet timbres!