#382231 - 01/22/14 04:46 AM
Re: Tyros 5 styles on Ketron SD2 VS Korg PA600
[Re: DAN.2000]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I have the vArranger and Dan is adding to it faster than I can keep up. He can answer the technical questions, but I see one thing regarding using the Audya alone for control.
When you first configure your master kb to control all of your parts and functions, you can use midi learn by going to the control parameter and moving a midi active slider or button. These can be assigned to a master kb or the laptop keyboard.
What I am saying is that the Audya, nor any other arranger has enough midi active buttons to use for control unless you use a touch screen, assign some to the laptop keyboard, or, use a Korg Nano to supplement your control sliders and buttons.
vArranger with Dan is the best investment I have made, but you need to be aware of the hardware requirements also. My old Axiom 61 does it all, but it is an additional piece of gear.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#382237 - 01/22/14 06:57 AM
Re: Tyros 5 styles on Ketron SD2 VS Korg PA600
[Re: Bernie9]
Senior Member
Registered: 08/09/01
Posts: 1134
Hi Henny, 1. I load i.e. Tyros 5 styles into vArranger. YES2. I set up some midi & Sysex channels via USB to vArranger on my laptop.. No need to setup anything. Just set USB/MIDI in audya, and sends full keyboard on channel 13. I play my Audya normally using internal styles. YES4. I can also play my Audya using Tyros 5 & other styles from vArranger on my my PC. YES5. All my intros, fills, variations etc works direct from my Audya. YES and NO. There is not so much problems to assign the VARIATION , INTRO, FILL buttons to vArranger. But, If you assign the START button, it will also start the audya, and sends tons of messages to vArranger 6. I can add part of Audya styles to play along with vArranger. You can't play audya styles in vArranger, you can syncro vArranger, and audya styles playing together, but it seems that audya sync does not work with audio styles. only with midi styles7. I either use voices from my PC soundcard or via USB cable direct from my Audya or mix & match to my liking,. YES8. I can set up my registrations so that all I do is select a new registry. That will determine whether vArranger, the Aydya or both will play back. I can always mute all style channels on the Audya for that specific registry. vArranger registrations will only select everything to play styles of vArranger, not in Audya9. There are no noticeable latency problems. NO10. vArranger will reckognize & respond to all normal chords played on the Audya. YES11. Can I select the vArranger specific style to be played direct from the Audya using registries? Not really. Maybe, if your style can be called from a program change message, you can create a VOICE in vArranger, with that number, and when you call this voice in varranger, it will call your style in Audya. I don't know...