I just finished clearing the sidewalk, all 128 feet of it. High winds caused the snow to drift to 3 feet in places, so it took me the better part of 2 hours to clear the sidewalk with a snow shovel.
I fired up the snow blower and tackled most of the driveway before blowing an auger drive belt. Called the snow plow guy and he said we're gonna get another 5 inches this afternoon and evening, so that'll kill tomorrow's double. The past two days of snow cost me $450, not counting another $100 for snow removal tomorrow morning.
Between the job losses, paying through the nose for snow removal, and incredibly high home heating oil and propane costs, this has to be one of the most expensive, longest and coldest winters I can recall in my 73 years on the planet. Next winter, I think I'll give all my winter jobs to Uncle Dave - he loves winter! He said so!

The only people that I know that love this kind of weather are those that don't have to shovel snow, schools are closed and get paid even if they don't go to work because the road conditions are too bad for driving. Those are the folks that always seem to say "I love the change of seasons." Yeah -Right! The only change I like is when it's 75 degrees outside and the weatherman predicts a high of 80. I'll take that over what is forecasted for here now - 20 degrees will be today's high and we're gonna get at least another 5 inches of snow on top of the 18 we got last night.
Go make a snow man UD and post some photos of it,