Still rocking the PS2, Ian? Maybe now the PS4 is out, PS3's at good used prices will be in your future... (get a slimline 160GB rather than the old fat ones)
GT6 on the PS3 ROCKS! Best driving and racing sim ever (short of some specialized PC sims)!
Time to join the 21st century, you gamer you!
I'm really happy with the PS2 and GT4...the new games are definitely flashier, especially graphics-wise, but they have lost some of what made the earlier games so great.
Go on GT Planet and be surprised at how many have gone back to GT4.
There was nothing else (other game types) I was interested in enough to get the new platform.
I still have my Logitech G-25 wheel/pedals/stickshift/flappy paddles and that really makes it a lot more fun.
A few of us in the complex are battling for best time on Nürburgring using the same stock street car and real-life road tires.
It's more than a hoot.
I'm still happy in Century 20...ha ha!
PS...I even have a spare PS2 still in the box. I'm prepared!