I have to admit, I'm also a little perplexed as to why Fran hasn't got a BK-9 to try out yet, given how he was all over the Prelude and GW-8. BK-9 is FAR better, and lighter too..!
I did buy a Prelude ..sight unseen...and a BK5 after a road test...Never a GW-8..
I haven't played a paying job since the last day of Sept (with the band)...so I am in no hurry to buy anything..I will wait till I play a BK9..although there would be no surprises for me..I know it has great sounds..like the BK5..I know the drawbar organ will be to my liking..(I like to play organ ..Gary)
The drums are unmatched..and all the editing is there..
I like that they added the 16 track sequencer, and the Chord sequencer..And I am pretty sure the audio keys could be fun..
The media player is the best that I have used..short of the MS..Great search tool and unlimted size..
The keybed I expect is like the Juno Stage..so it would be a good feel.
The biggie, I would much prefer a touch screen..I did get use to the BK5 screen, My eyes are still good, where most of you old guys would struggle..

The extra button pushes ..are a pain, but I seen where updates improved the BK5, so there will be short cuts, if not now..down the road..
Lyrics not being read from a text stand point...Not interested...If I want lyrics, I simply use the SMF (the same file most make MP3's from)..and add the lyrics..It is much better and you can edit in realtime and use markers to boot..
There are plenty of tools on board to make it what ever you want...so you can see I know what the BK9 will be...maybe I am just waiting till SZoners dump their BK9 for under $1,500...you know...like the BK5's became available for $500

Seriously, I am in no rush, I already play the best..