From what I have read here on SZ..It sure sounds like the BK9 is better than the PA900...

It sounds like the BK chord sequencer is better, plus it can save the CS files..Drawbar organ and contest BK wins..
Just from what I know about BK sounds..I am sure the piano, drums, scats, organs,(better on BK) and apparently the guitars now give the others a run for the money..
Even though there are too many button pushes ..still the BK has the best edit tools..
The biggie for the PA900..the touch screen, and although not my favorite system...the vocal harmonizer..and for some folks..speakers..
Multi pads for the keys for the Roland..The audio keys seem more interesting to me..
Hopefully Don can make a good comparison...with the important stuff..
For now, I am content with what I interest in the PA900, and just curious about the BK9..