Bethlehem Steel, Sparrows Point, MD - closed 25,000 employees out of work
General Motors Plant, Broning Highway, Baltimore - Closed - 3,000 out of work
Glenn L Martin/Martin Maretta, Baltimore - closed - 25,000 employees out of work
Beidix Freeze - Towson, MD - 5,000 out of work
Baretta, Maryland - relocated it's expansion facility to Tennesseee - 3,000 jobs gone
Bendix Field Engineering - closed - 3,500 out of work
Virtro Laboratories, Silver Springs, MD - Closed - 4,000 out of work
New housing starts, Maryland - lowest in two decades
Highest number of people ever on food stamps nationwide
Highest number of people on welfare - ever
Medicare cuts to NH - 30%
$1-billion Maryland Recreational boating industry - decimated
$1.5-billion Maryland recreational fishing industry - decimated
The list is endless, Bill and not something that I wish to discuss on this forum. The facts speak for themselves for those willing to look at them with an open mind.
Now, back to the original intent of the post. I was able to do some legwork and make up the loss of jobs by doing some legwork, driving to a couple new locations, and picked up 22 new jobs for the remainder of this year. One of the AD's said she got my name from another facility where I perform regularly, and she was going to call me next week to see if she could get on my calendar. I gave her a 2015 wall calendar, a brand new, high-quality pen, a new CD, and I'll be there next week.
I also discovered three, new adult day care centers that are looking for entertainment. When the storm abates here on Wednesday, I'll be paying them a visit with a goodie package after I finish my regular job that day.
Dave, I agree, the political aspects of this thread should be in the bar - not here! I started this thread to help those that may be experiencing some of the same problems, and possibly provide them with a solution. I detest most politicians, and the political BS that seems to find it's way into some threads. Yes, I've made a few bucks performing at political fund raisers, and on a big election year, I'll pick up a several thousand bucks doing them. That said, I get to see who attends those $1,000 a plate functions - building contractors, lawyers, wannabe politicians, and politicians trying to maintain their cushy jobs in Washington and state capitols.